Bioengineering Student Named a Society of Women Engineers Scholarship Recipient
Bioengineering student Assul Larancuent ’23 was named the 2020-2021 recipient of the Rochelle Nicolette Perry Memorial Scholarship from the Society of Women Engineers (SWE). The Rochelle Nicolette Perry Memorial Scholarship is awarded annually to a currently enrolled college student studying…
Meredith Professor Addresses Challenges and Sees New Opportunities in Mixed-Delivery Courses
Laura J. and L. Douglas Meredith Professor of Teaching Excellence James Spencer adapted his graduate course, Research and Career Resources in Forensic Science, for hybrid instruction this fall. It was a necessity but also a chance to try something new….
Competition, Partnerships Drive Quantum Information Research
Britton Plourde is used to applying for funding for his lab’s research in quantum computing. The physics professor writes grants and polishes proposals that help his team take the next steps in the journey from theory and basic design to…
College of Arts and Sciences Faculty Member’s Interdisciplinary Research Selected for Grant
Assistant Professor of Physics Alison Patteson’s research on the concept of “emergence” in living systems was selected by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to receive an Early-Concept Grant For Exploratory Research (EAGER) award on Sept. 12. The NSF selected Patteson’s…
Medical Ransomware Attack Could Spell Disaster, Deaths During Pandemic
Universal Health Services is working to get back online after facing what could be the largest medical system cyberattack in U.S. history. UHS officials have not confirmed it was ransomware but did issue a statement that its system is currently…
Professor Reza Zafarani Receives NSF CAREER Award to Study Intersection of Humans and Networks
At every moment you are surrounded by—and part of—countless networks. A social network can connect us to family, friends and information; an electric transmission network connects generators to customers; or an individual street can connect with networked highways across a…
Professor Discusses Approach for Creating Mixed-delivery Instruction this Fall
Professor Shiu-Kai Chin ’75, G’78, G’86 has taught courses in the College of Engineering and Computer Science for over three decades. As a Laura J. and L. Douglas Meredith Professor, Chin is recognized for his teaching excellence in electrical engineering…
Syracuse University, SUNY-ESF Team Up to Establish New York State Center for Sustainable Materials Management
Syracuse University and the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry (SUNY-ESF) are collaborating to establish the New York State Center for Sustainable Materials Management (SMM), funded by a $5.75 million grant over five years from the New York State…
User Beware: We Still Don’t Know How Oracle Will Treat US Consumer Data
President Trump approved a tentative deal over the weekend that allows TikTok to stay in U.S. app stores for now. On Friday, officials had announced WeChat and TikTok apps would be banned, citing national security concerns as the reason behind…
A&S Associate Dean, Physics Chair Answers Common Fall Foliage Questions
With the start of autumn coming up on Sept. 22, the leaves are beginning to turn colors, exposing beautiful bright foliage for leaf peepers to enjoy over the next several weeks. Alan Middleton is professor and chair of physics and…