Professor Discusses Approach for Creating Mixed-delivery Instruction this Fall
Professor Shiu-Kai Chin ’75, G’78, G’86 has taught courses in the College of Engineering and Computer Science for over three decades. As a Laura J. and L. Douglas Meredith Professor, Chin is recognized for his teaching excellence in electrical engineering…
Syracuse University, SUNY-ESF Team Up to Establish New York State Center for Sustainable Materials Management
Syracuse University and the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry (SUNY-ESF) are collaborating to establish the New York State Center for Sustainable Materials Management (SMM), funded by a $5.75 million grant over five years from the New York State…
User Beware: We Still Don’t Know How Oracle Will Treat US Consumer Data
President Trump approved a tentative deal over the weekend that allows TikTok to stay in U.S. app stores for now. On Friday, officials had announced WeChat and TikTok apps would be banned, citing national security concerns as the reason behind…
A&S Associate Dean, Physics Chair Answers Common Fall Foliage Questions
With the start of autumn coming up on Sept. 22, the leaves are beginning to turn colors, exposing beautiful bright foliage for leaf peepers to enjoy over the next several weeks. Alan Middleton is professor and chair of physics and…
A Gift Grounded in Love and Advocacy
Their marriage certificate is framed and hangs on the wall in their home, a forever tribute to the love between Janet G. Jones and Syracuse University alumnus Dr. Faith (“Chris”) Maltby Cobb ’51, G’66, Ph.D. ’74. Though Dr. Cobb passed…
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Faculty Awarded NSF Research Grants
Electrical engineering and computer science (EECS) faculty members Bryan Kim, Endadul Hoque, and Ferdinando Fioretto all received notable awards from the National Science Foundation (NSF). All three are new faculty members who started at Syracuse University in the 2019-2020 academic…
English Language Institute Provides Training for Medical Professionals from Around the World
Cuban native Yusdanie Fernandez, the son of a farmer and a teacher, lived in small town situated between the mountains and the sea. After completing high school Fernandez graduated from college with a degree in nursing and began his medical…
SyracuseCoE Invites Innovation Fund Proposals that Address the COVID-19 Pandemic
Proposals for up to $10,000 are invited from current SyracuseCoE Partner companies for round two of the 2020 Innovation Fund. The Innovation Fund is funded by SyracuseCoE’s Partner Program to help Partners overcome barriers in the process of commercializing potentially…
A&S Researchers Lay the Groundwork to Reconstruct Global Climate through Earth’s History
A key component when forecasting what the Earth’s climate might look like in the future is the ability to draw on accurate temperature records of the past. By reconstructing past latitudinal temperature gradients (the difference in average temperature between the…
Will Murder Hornets Become Invasive Species? A&S Biology Professor Weighs In
Officials in Washington state have caught “murder hornets” for the first time. The Asian giant hornet has been an environmental concern all spring and summer. They measure more than 2 inches long and can be especially dangerous to honeybees. Officials…