All Posts in #College of Arts and Sciences
12 Seniors Named as University Scholars, Highest Undergraduate Honor
Twelve seniors have been named as the 2018 Syracuse University Scholars, the highest undergraduate honor that the University bestows. University Scholars will represent the entire graduating class at the May 13 Commencement ceremony. On Wednesday, May 9, the scholars will…
Barnard Zine Librarian to Headline Syracuse Symposium April 5-6
Syracuse Symposium continues its yearlong look at “Belonging” with a visit by renowned zine maker and librarian Jenna Freedman. A member of Columbia University’s Barnard College, Freedman will headline a lecture and workshop collectively titled “Classification and Language(s) of Belonging,”…
Bowhead Whales or Jazz Musicians?
New research has discovered the most musically-inclined whale. While that sentence seems odd, its true, as researchers have found that bowhead whales have created 184 different songs over a three-year span, a very high number considering the relatively low amount…
Award-Winning Author Yiyun Li Speaking April 4 for Raymond Carver Reading Series
Princeton University professor Yiyun Li, the 2018 Richard Elman Visiting Writer in the College of Arts and Sciences, is the next author appearing for the Raymond Carver Reading Series. She will participate in a Q&A session at 3:45 p.m. and…
New Faculty Snapshot: Biko Mandela Gray, Assistant Professor of American Religion
Slepecky Lecture, Award Ceremony to Take Place April 4
The Norma Slepecky Memorial Lecture and Undergraduate Research Prize Award Ceremony will take place Wednesday, April 4, at 2:45 p.m. in 304 Schine Student Center. This is a change from the previously announced starting time of 3 p.m. The event…
Point of Contact to Present Annual ‘Cruel April’ Poetry Series
Point of Contact (POC) in the College of Arts and Sciences (A&S) will mark National Poetry Month with its annual “Cruel April” poetry series. Every Thursday in April from 6-8 p.m., one or more visiting poets will read and discuss their…
Dr. Sharon Brangman ’77 to Give 35th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Public Affairs Lecture
Dr. Sharon Brangman ’77, Distinguished Service Professor and Chief of Geriatrics at SUNY Upstate Medical University, will give the 35th annual Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Public Affairs Lecture on Wednesday, March 28, at 6 p.m. in the Peter Graham…
Innovation Orange: Roger Hallas
In this edition of Innovation Orange, we hear how Associate Professor of English Roger Hallas’ new project brings together his love of movies, his commitment to documentary and his longstanding passion for photography as a medium.
Q&A: Karina von Tippelskirch on Journalist Dorothy Thompson
Journalist Dorothy Thompson, a 1914 alumna of Syracuse University, is not well known today, but before and during World War II, she was one of the U.S.’s most influential women, along with First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt. In her new book,…