All Posts in #Students
Newhouse student Sawyer Rosenstein speaks at shuttle landing
Sawyer Rosenstein, a sophomore in Syracuse University’s S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications, spoke at the landing of the Space Shuttle Enterprise at John F. Kennedy International Airport last month. Rosenstein was invited to speak by the president of the…
Recent grad Andrew Nerviano ’12 receives prestigious fellowship based in Norway
Andrew Nerviano ’12, a recent graduate of the Newhouse School’s television-radio-film (TRF) program, has been awarded a year-long post-graduate fellowship in music recording and production at Stavanger University in Norway. This is the first time a Newhouse student has been…
SU Ph.D. student Jessica Kuskey wins Mary Hatch Marshall Essay Award
Jessica Kuskey, a Ph.D. student in the English Department in Syracuse University’s College of Arts and Sciences, received the Mary Hatch Marshall Essay Award at the Syracuse University Library Associates annual spring luncheon on April 26. Her essay is titled…
Students, organizations recognized at 44 Stars event
The Office of Student Activities, within the Division of Student Affairs, honored individual students and recognized student organizations for their hard work and dedication at the 44 Stars of Excellence Awards and Gala Celebration on April 17. Sponsored by Macy’s…
Newhouse students take first at regional advertising competition
Advertising students from the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications were winners at the 2012 American Advertising Federation (AAF) regional competition (District 2), held earlier this month in New York City. Newhouse students have won at regional competitions three times…
Newhouse student honored with major scholarship, internship
Laura Foti, a junior public relations major in the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications, has been named a 2012 New York Women in Communications Foundation Scholarship recipient. The $10,000 award includes an internship with the McGraw-Hill Co. “I’m very…
Maxwell’s Model U.N. team named Outstanding Delegation
Maxwell’s Model United Nations delegation won top honors following a week-long conference in New York City. The team of 20 undergraduate international relations students represented the Republic of Gabon, earning an Outstanding Delegation Award for the simulation. Several students took…
Whitman MBA students take first in annual games benefiting Special Olympics
A team of MBA students from the Martin J. Whitman School of Management has placed first in the annual Duke MBA Games benefiting the Special Olympics. The games, hosted and presented by Duke’s Fuqua School of Business, concludes a year-long…
SU junior Olevia Mitchell receives 2012 Unilever Legacy of Leadership Award
Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholar Olevia Mitchell established “Neighborhood Action Council” to aid youth in her community Syracuse University’s Olevia Mitchell, a junior in The College of Arts and Sciences, has received the coveted Unilever Legacy of Leadership Award at the Annual Jackie Robinson…