All Posts in #Research and Creative
Physicist Awarded IBM Grant to Develop Quantum Computing
A physicist in the College of Arts and Sciences has been awarded a major grant to help develop quantum computing technology. Britton Plourde, associate professor of physics, is using a three-year, $900,000 grant from IBM to conduct research for the…
Senior Awarded NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
Joshua Woods, a senior chemical engineering major in the College of Engineering and Computer Science and chemistry minor in the College of Arts and Sciences, was awarded a Graduate Research Fellowship from the National Science Foundation (NSF). The fellowship was…
Chemists Add Color to Chemical Reactions
Chemists in the College of Arts and Sciences have come up with an innovative new way to visualize and monitor chemical reactions in real time. Members of the Maye Research Group in the Department of Chemistry have designed a nanomaterial…
Testing the Waters
A student in the College of Arts and Sciences has been awarded the 2016 Central New York Association of Professional Geologists (CNYAPG) grant for student research. Emily Baker, a geology graduate student working in Associate Professor Laura Lautz’s lab, was…
Renée Crown University Honors Program Seniors to Present Capstone Projects
One hundred and thirty seniors in the Renée Crown University Honors Program will present their Capstone projects on Wednesday, May 4, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Hall of Languages. The presentation panels will run concurrently in 11…
Undergraduate Receives Two Awards from American Society of Plant Biology
Snigdha Chatterjee ’17 has received two prestigious awards from the American Society of Plant Biology (ASPB). She was awarded both a travel grant and a Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship. Between the two awards, Chatterjee is supported to travel to the…
Stromer-Galley Presents ‘Illuminating 2016’ Project at Tow Center
School of Information Studies (iSchool) Associate Professor Jennifer Stromer-Galley presented her “Illuminating 2016” project recently at the Tow Center for Digital Journalism at the Columbia School of Journalism, where she is currently a fellow. Stromer-Galley’s project is designed to help political journalists cover social media…
NSF Awards $297,135 to Falk College’s Brooks Gump for Undergraduate Trauma Research with Veterans
Brooks B. Gump, the Falk Family Endowed Professor of Public Health in Falk College, was awarded a three-year, $297,135 grant from the National Science Foundation to continue the Research Education for Undergraduates (REU) program focused on training veterans interested in…
Physicist Awarded Simons Foundation Collaboration Grant
A physicist in the College of Arts and Sciences has been awarded a collaborative grant from the Simons Foundation Mathematics and the Physical Sciences (MPS) division to study the glassy state of matter. Associate Professor M. Lisa Manning is part…
Applicants Sought for Summer Research Stipends
Student Association is partnering with the Office of Research and the Office of Academic Affairs to provide stipends to support undergraduate students to conduct research over the summer. Students will be selected on a competitive basis to pursue a mentored…