All Posts in #College of Arts and Sciences
Physics Department Does Its Part to Help Make Masks
Faculty, staff and students from the Department of Physics in the College of Arts and Sciences are using their free time to brush up on their sewing skills and help check the spread of COVID-19. Members of the department are…
Having Fun with Pi On Its Special Day: 3.14
Pi Day will be celebrated on March 14—3.14. Pi (Greek letter “π”) is the symbol used in mathematics to represent a constant—the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter—which is approximately 3.14159. Graham Leuschke, professor of mathematics…
Biology Professor Answers 3 Common Questions About COVID-19
Ruth Phillips is an assistant teaching professor and biotechnology program advisor at Syracuse University’s College of Arts and Sciences. Professor Phillips answers 3 questions about curbing the spread of COVID-19: What might scientists be doing right now to curb the…
Professor Emeritus Harold Jones Encourages Student, Faculty Discovery through Gifts to Forever Orange Campaign
“Think globally, act locally.” It’s a concept that Harold Jones, professor emeritus of Spanish, and his wife, Barbara, have put into practice over their nearly 53 years of marriage. Together, they’ve worked to make a global impact through their giving…
Creating Just Futures with Restorative Justice
Update: The remainder of the March 9-13 public activities have been canceled in response to emerging COVID-19 precautions and advisories. The notion of restorative justice has a long legacy that traces back to Native and Afrocentric communities. The process involves…
Forensics Student Takes a Stand Against Homeschool Neglect
When you think of forensics, chances are you think of it as a scientific means to solve crimes through things like DNA and fingerprints. That is true. But Kate Corbett Pollack G’17, a master’s student in the forensic sciences program…
3.14 Is A Great Day To Get Silly And Goof Around With Math
Pi Day will be celebrated on March 14. Pi (Greek letter “π”) is the symbol used in mathematics to represent a constant — the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter — which is approximately 3.14159. Graham…
Biotechnology Program Offers New Master’s Degree
You will be hard-pressed to find a group of students at Syracuse University more enthusiastic about their studies than biotechnology majors. One group of biotechnology students has even recently formed the Biotechnology Society to unite peers with a shared passion…
Math Students Finish Among Top Universities at Elite Competition
A team of three undergraduate students from the College of Arts and Sciences’ (A&S) Department of Mathematics recently finished 58th out of 488 participating institutions in the William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition. The math contest is the preeminent mathematics competition…
Two College of Arts and Sciences Faculty Members Earn NSF CAREER Awards
Denver Whittington, assistant professor in the Department of Physics, and Weiwei Zheng, assistant professor in the Department of Chemistry, are principal investigators for separate five-year National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER awards. The Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program is a…