Media, Law & Policy
‘Breaking Digital: NGOs Debate’ April 2 in Washington, D.C.
As nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) proliferate around the world, many in the nonprofit community are examining what model of organization best serves the populations they support—the traditional “brick and mortar” model, the fully digital form or a hybrid of both. What…
Panel on Whistleblowing and Journalism to Be Held April 1
Over the past several years, the American media have sharply increased their coverage of scandals that have been brought to light by whistleblowers, including NSA spying, banking fraud, contaminated food and nuclear safety risks. The stakes for the public—and to…
Hillary Clinton Speaks at Toner Award Ceremony
Dan Balz of The Washington Post is the winner of the 2014 Toner Prize for Excellence in Political Reporting. He was honored at an event Monday night in Washington, D.C., where former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton delivered the…
Cold Case Justice Initiative Presents Case on U.S. Human Rights Violations to United Nations
Paula Johnson and Janis McDonald, law professors and co-directors of the Cold Case Justice Initiative (CCJI) at the College of Law, were at the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland, during the week of March 16. There they met with staff…
Bantle Symposium Will Feature Lecture by Authority on Free Banking
Lawrence White, professor of economics at George Mason University, who is best known for his work on free banking, will deliver a lecture at the Maxwell School on Friday, March 20, as part of the Bantle Symposium on Entrepreneurship, Business…
Beijing+20: The 20th Anniversary of the 1995 UN Fourth World Conference on Women
Catherine Bertini, professor of public administration and international affairs at the Maxwell School, will host a March 18 discussion of women’s progress around the world since the UN’s Fourth World Conference on Women in 1995. Students from her spring 2015…
Media Come to University for Insight on Record-Breaking Cold
How are students dealing with the cold? That question was posed by Sam Champion on The Weather Channel, and Jeff Kurkjian ’15 was ready with the answers, showing Champion the many pieces of layered clothing in his arsenal.
Professor Explores ‘Judicial Politics in Polarized Times’
Do judges serve as neutral legal umpires, unaccountable partisan activists or political actors whose decisions conform to—rather than challenge—the democratic will? That is one of the many questions that political scientist Thomas Keck seeks to answer in his latest book,…
Syfy Exec Offers Insight on Diversity in the Media
“Part of the authenticity of television is how relatable it is. I want to feel good watching TV. I want to see faces that look like mine,” says Robyn Lattaker-Johnson, the Syfy VP of unscripted development and current programming, and…
Maxwell, IVMF, VA Medical Center Join Forces for International Women’s Day
There are nearly 215,000 women currently serving in the United States military and more than 1.8 million women veterans. Hundreds of thousands of civilian women also serve in combat and post-combat areas as advisors, aid workers, development specialists and health…