All Posts in #Research and Creative
NSF Funds Position to Realize Potential of University’s Cyberinfrastructure
The National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded Syracuse University $396,098 to fund a full-time campus cyberinfrastructure engineer (CIE) position for two years. The engineer will provide technical expertise and leadership to realize the potential of existing University cyberinfrastructure investments and…
Silverstein Awarded Two Grants to Investigate Religious Engagement in Later Life
The John Templeton Foundation awarded a $1.49 million grant to Merril Silverstein, the Marjorie Cantor Endowed Professor in Aging, for a three-year study entitled, “Religious Transitions, Transmissions and Trajectories Among Baby-Boomers and their Families.” Additionally, the National Institutes of Health…
Two Whitman Entrepreneurship Professors Receive 2015 Greif Research Impact Award
A paper co-authored by Martin J. Whitman School of Management’s Johan Wiklund, professor of entrepreneurship, and Professor Tom Lumpkin, the Chris J. Witting Chair in Entrepreneurship, was selected to receive the 2015 Greif Research Impact Award. The two professors were…
A Celebration of Science
The Research Experience for Undergraduates, or REU for short, is a program funded by the National Science Foundation to provide summer research opportunities for students in the STEM fields at the University. More than 80 undergraduates from the College of…
Capturing Carbon through Cleaner Combustion
When it comes to releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, the combustion of fossil fuels is far and away the biggest offender. In fact, the Department of Energy estimates that the process creates approximately 30 billion tons of CO2 every…
Internal Research Grant Program to Support Scholarly Exploration
The program, announced Monday by Vice President for Research Gina Lee-Glauser, provides a total of $150,000 in funding for faculty to develop essential relationships; obtain foundational results to expand or sustain their research, scholarly or creative activities; or strengthen and foster interdisciplinary collaboration across the University.
Stromer-Galley’s Bias Retraining Game Wins ‘Serious Play’ Honors
Human decision-making is prone to cognitive biases, the shortcuts people take because their brains are wired to make decisions quickly with limited information. However, a game developed by a research team that includes a School of Information Studies (iSchool) faculty…
Psychologist Stephen Maisto Awarded $2.1 Million NIH Grant Award
A psychologist’s research in the College of Arts and Sciences is receiving backing from one of the world’s most foremost biomedical research centers. Stephen Maisto, professor of psychology, is the recipient of a five-year, $2.1 million National Institutes of Health…
Research Computing Gains Momentum at University
Research computing continues to grow at Syracuse University. Supported by Information Technology Services (ITS), enhanced resources offer University researchers more support, greater capacity and an expanding toolset. A National Science Foundation award in 2013 funded infrastructure upgrades that expanded data-intensive…
Fridley Co-Authors International Biodiversity Research Paper
Humans depend upon high levels of ecosystem biodiversity. But due to climate change and changes in land use, biodiversity loss is greater now than at any other time in human history. Jason Fridley, associate professor of biology in the College…