All Posts in #Newhouse School of Public Communications
Newhouse School to Honor Murdered Maltese Journalist with 2017 Tully Award for Free Speech
The late Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia, who was assassinated last fall, will be honored posthumously with the 2017 Tully Award for Free Speech, presented by the Newhouse School’s Tully Center for Free Speech. Caruana Galizia’s husband, Dr. Peter Caruana…
After Cambridge Analytica Revelations, Facebook Needs to Be Held Accountable
Facebook’s leadership needs to explain its use of data to lawmakers in the wake of the Cambridge Analytica scandal, Jennifer Grygiel, a social media expert and assistant professor of communications at New Syracuse University, told CBS News on Sunday. Cambridge…
If United Airlines Has Any Hope of Reputation Repair, Here’s What Needs to Happen
United Airlines is facing another public controversy after mistakenly shipped a family’s German Shepherd to Japan while the family flew to Kansas City. This comes after a 10-month-old bulldog died in an overhead bin on a flight from Houston to…
Roy Gutterman Contributes to Newly Launched Whistleblower Project
Roy Gutterman of the Newhouse School is part of the team contributing to the Whistleblower Project, a new initiative dedicated to spreading awareness to ensure that whistleblowers and the journalists who work with them are protected and supported. A collaboration between the Society of Professional…
Constantly Calling News Fake Undercuts Fourth Estate, Says Syracuse Free Speech Expert
An expert on communications law and the First Amendment, Roy Gutterman is director of the Newhouse School’s Tully Center for Free Speech at Syracuse University. He says the trend of labeling factual news as fake news is an attempt to undercut,…
Newhouse Students Chosen for Prestigious News21 National Reporting Initiative
Two students from the Newhouse School are among a group of top journalism students chosen to participate in the prestigious Carnegie-Knight News21 multimedia reporting initiative. The students will conduct a major national investigation into hate crimes in the U.S. The…
Producer Christine Vachon Will Visit the Newhouse School March 21
In a discussion moderated by Professor Tula Goenka, producer Christine Vachon will discuss her career, the film industry and other topics March 21 at 6:30 p.m. in the Joyce Hergenhan Auditorium, Newhouse 3. Vachon is co-founder of the New York City-based Killer Films….
MSNBC Political Analyst/Host Joy-Ann Reid to Speak for University Lectures in April
In addition to her work on MSNBC, including hosting “AM Joy” Saturdays and Sundays from 10 a.m. to noon ET, Reid is a columnist for The Daily Beast and teaches the Newhouse School course Race, Gender and Media at SU’s Fisher Center in Manhattan.
The Golden Rule of Public Relations: Do Not Lie
Hope Hicks resigned from her job as the White House Communications Director after admitting she has engaged in “white lies” for the administration. Inc wrote an article about her disobeying this cardinal rule, using an excerpt from an LA Times…
Is a T-Shirt Covered by the First Amendment?
Roy Gutterman, an assistant professor of communications at the Newhouse School and director of the Tully Center for Free Speech at Syracuse University, is available to discuss the issues of Minnesota Voters Alliance v. Manksy being argued before the US Supreme Court….