All Posts in #faculty
Rethinking Our Built and Open Spaces After a Pandemic
Keep 6 feet away from others. Avoid crowds. Stay home. In this time of a pandemic, social distancing guidelines promote separation to avoid catching and slow the spread of the virus that causes COVID-19. As local and state governments begin…
Dana Olwan Receives 2020 Mellon Emerging Faculty Leaders Award
The last decade has marked a period of rapid political and economic change in the Middle East and North Africa. Among those are growing demands for marriage rights for women in Arab and Muslim cultures. Until recently, the right to…
Professor Karson Finds Important Connection Between Geological and Biological Processes
Did you know that over 70 percent of the Earth’s volcanic activity happens on the seafloor along underwater mountain ranges called mid-ocean ridges (MOR)? Lava flows are fed by subsurface magma chambers that heat the rocks and emit large amounts…
Libraries Announce 2020 Faculty Fellows
Syracuse University Libraries’ Special Collections Research Center (SCRC) announces two 2020 Faculty Fellows grant recipients: Joan Bryant, associate professor in African American Studies in the College of Arts and Sciences, and Kathryn Everly, professor of language, literature and linguistics in…
Attacks on Journalists ‘Beyond A Violation of First Amendment’
In the wake of recent attacks on accredited members of the media, representatives from the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications offer their thoughts on what it means for journalism and beyond. “The violence targeting journalists covering the protests and…
Entrepreneurship Professor Receives 10-Year Research Impact Award
SAGE Publishing recognized a 2009 paper co-authored by Johan Wiklund, Al Berg Chair and Professor of Entrepreneurship, with a 10-year Impact Award for receiving the most citations over the span of a decade. Wiklund’s paper, “Entrepreneurial Orientation and Business Performance:…
Center for Disability Resources Recognizes Faculty and Staff
Every year, the Center for Disability Resources (CDR), previously known as the Office of Disability Services, recognizes faculty and staff for supporting students with disabilities. These faculty and staff members are nominated by students, as well as staff from the…
Important Update Regarding Fall 2020 Planning from Interim Provost John Liu
Dear Faculty Colleagues: Now that the 2019-20 academic year has come to a close, I want to extend my deep appreciation for your tremendous resilience and leadership this spring. I am especially grateful for your ongoing support of our students…
Brice Nordquist Named Dean’s Professor of Community Engagement
The College of Arts and Sciences (A&S) has announced the appointment of Brice Nordquist as Dean’s Professor of Community Engagement. The appointment is a milestone in the college’s ongoing plan to increase the number of curricular and co-curricular learning opportunities…
Twelve Professors Named Recipients of Excellence in Graduate Education Faculty Recognition Award
The Graduate School annually solicits nominations from graduate students, faculty, staff and alumni for the Excellence in Graduate Education Faculty Recognition Award. This award honors faculty who have made a significant, positive influence on graduate education at Syracuse University through…