All Posts in #faculty
Faculty Workshop on Real-Time Student Assessment
“Real-Time Student Assessment: A Shared Commitment to Improve Currently Enrolled Students’ Equitable Progress Toward Achieving High-Quality Outcomes,” a special workshop for faculty, will be led by Peggy L. Maki on Monday, Sept. 11, from 9 a.m. to noon at the…
FEMA’s Wrong Flood Plain Projections Leave Some Surprised, and Homeless
As Hurricane Harvey swept through Texas, many were left with basements and living rooms full of water- despite being outside of FEMA’s projected high-risk flood areas. FEMA and its maps represent the government’s best flood plain estimates, leaving those outside…
WFAN Radio is in Hot Water, With Only Itself to Blame
As the flagship sports radio station WFAN in New York City takes another image hit, Newhouse School Professor and pop culture expert Robert Thompson examined just what is wrong with the stations image: itself. “The Fan is reaching new lows…
University Welcomes 90 New Full-time Faculty for 2017-18
Syracuse University has hired 90 new full-time faculty members for 2017-18. The additions include tenure and tenure-track professors as well as non-tenure-track faculty including teaching professors and professors of practice. “Our newest faculty colleagues are talented and accomplished scholars and…
Lunch Time Poems to Launch Sept. 22 in Bird Library
Syracuse University Libraries is pleased to announce a series of free noontime poetry readings this semester called Lunch Time Poems. Hosted by poet Stephen Kuusisto, professor in the cultural foundations of educations department in the School of Education, the series will…
Professor Murrett talks to Politico about North Korea
Robert Murrett, public administration and international affairs professor of practice and INSCT deputy director, was quoted in a Politico article titled “Trump’s tough talk does little to deter North Korea.”
Engineering and Computer Science Professors Recognized by IEEE
Professors Vir V. Phoha and Jay K. Lee have been honored by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the world’s largest technical professional organization for the advancement of technology. Phoha, an expert in cybersecurity, received the 2017 IEEE…
Princess Diana Conspiracies Remain Alive and Well
Just last week was the 20th anniversary of the infamous car crash that killed Princess Diana. While many take this at face value after all this time, others are not as easily convinced, with many conspiracy theories still surrounding her…
Physics Professor Eric Schiff Takes on State Fair Games
While many play the Midways Games of the State Fair for fun and prizes, Syracuse University College of Arts and Sciences Physics Professor Eric Schiff sees them as a learning opportunity- and a way to find an easier win, he…
Prof. Monmonier Examines Map Inventions in New Book
Geography Professor Mark Monmonier of the Maxwell School was heavily featured in the National Geographic article, “These are the Cleverest, Weirdest, Mapping Ideas Ever Patented.” Monmonier uncovered and engaged with over 300 map-related patents for his new book, “Patents and…