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“Biden presidency would bring Delaware recognition far beyond its small size.”
Grant Reeher, professor of political science in the Maxwell School, was quoted in The Washington Examiner story “Biden presidency would bring Delaware recognition far beyond its small size.” Reeher, an expert on American politics, says that if Biden, who is…
“Inside the campaign to ‘pizzagate’ Hunter Biden.”
Whitney Phillips, assistant professor of communication and rhetorical studies in the College of Visual and Performing Arts, was quoted in the NBC News story “Inside the campaign to ‘pizzagate’ Hunter Biden.” Phillips, an expert on disinformation and digital ethics, says…
“Carrie Mae Weems Is Spreading Truth About Covid-19.”
Work by Carrie Mae Weems, University Artist in Residence, was featured in the Surface Magazine story “Carrie Mae Weems Is Spreading Truth About Covid-19.” Weems latest work, titled Resist Covid, Take 6!, focuses on how the COVID 19 pandemic has…
Rabbi Sandra Lawson to Speak on How Identities Can Influence Change
This year has been full of uncertainty, division, and racial and political injustices. But it has also been a year of activism, collaboration and community. Syracuse Hillel is working with students to address the issues occurring in the world today,…
Flu Vaccine and COVID-19 Testing Opportunities Continue Throughout October for Students, Faculty and Staff
Opportunities for the campus community to receive a flu vaccine and/or COVID-19 testing continue weekdays throughout the month of October as part of the University’s ongoing effort to keep our campus safe, healthy and open for residential learning. As outlined…
New Virtual Concert Series Launches This Friday
Through a partnership with Enrollment and the Student Experience, Office of Community Engagement, and CNY Jazz Arts Foundation, the University is pleased to offer students, faculty and staff an exclusive virtual concert series this year. The CNY Jazz concert series…
“Biden’s debate strategy is to let Trump be Trump”
Grant Reeher, professor of political science and director of the Campbell Public Affairs Institute in the Maxwell School, was interviewed by The Hill for the story “Biden’s debate strategy is to let Trump be Trump.” Reeher, who is an expert…
“More than 7 in 10 Gen-Zers report symptoms of depression during pandemic, survey finds”
Kevin Antshel, professor of psychology in the College of Arts and Sciences, was quoted in the CNBC story “More than 7 in 10 Gen-Zers report symptoms of depression during pandemic, survey finds.” Antshel, a clinical psychologist and the director of…
Lane Closure Planned Saturday at Euclid Avenue Campus Entrance
On Saturday, Oct. 24, a local contractor will be repairing Euclid Avenue pavers adjacent to the campus entrance booth. The work is being completed in the campus outbound lane (for vehicles heading east). To complete the repair, the lane will…
Stay Healthy and Keep the Campus Safe—Get a Flu Shot
Getting your flu shot this year is more imperative this year than ever—for yourself and your family, and your community. All faculty and staff are requested to get an influenza (flu) vaccine as another measure to keep the campus safe…