Gen. Martin Dempsey Discusses Leadership in Challenging Times
Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, the 18th chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, shared his thoughts on global security challenges, the qualities of a good leader and the importance of a life in public service as part of a lecture Friday at Dineen Hall.
Chairman of U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin E. Dempsey to Visit Campus Oct. 31
The INSCT and the IVMF will host Dempsey for a lecture on the challenges facing the next generation of security professionals and the role higher education plays in developing an effective, committed and ethical workforce.
IVMF Announces New Community-Based Initiatives in Support of Record Department of Veterans Affairs Funding
In recognition of the VA’s announcement of an additional $207 million for community-based organizations supporting homeless and at-risk veterans and their families, the Institute of Veterans and Military Families at Syracuse University (IVMF) is expanding its Community of Practice, community-centered…
Libraries Partner with Emerald Group Publishing to Support EBV
Syracuse University Libraries has brokered an agreement with Emerald Group Publishing to secure an extensive collection of eBooks and eJournals for use by participants in the Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veterans with Disabilities (EBV) program. Emerald representatives approached the libraries with…
Veterans Invited to Reading and Discussion Series at Humanities Center
In a unique collaboration, the New York Council for the Humanities has joined forces with Central New York Humanities Corridor to offer Serving: Standing Down, a veterans’ reading and discussion series that will run this fall at the Syracuse University…
University to Host 29 Veterans for 2014 EBV Summer Season
July will be a busy month for the Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veterans with Disabilities (EBV) as three of the participating universities host their programs—Syracuse University from July 19-26 and UCLA and Texas A&M from July 12-20. Syracuse University and the…
Boot Camp Comes to the White House
There won’t be any drill sergeants, but 100 veterans have started a two-day boot camp at the White House. Boots to Business: Reboot is an expansion of the training program developed by the Institute for Veterans and Military Families at…
Newhouse to Host Workshop for Active Duty Military Aug. 15 and 16
The Military Visual Journalism program in the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications will present a two-day workshop, “Managing Your Digital Arsenal,” Friday, Aug. 15, and Saturday, Aug. 16, on the Syracuse University campus. The workshop is open to all…
IVMF Receives $450,000 from Sam’s Club to Support Women Veteran Entrepreneurs
The Institute for Veterans and Military Families (IVMF) has received a $450,000 grant from the Sam’s Club Giving Program to support women veteran entrepreneurs through its business management training program V-WISE, Veteran Women Igniting the Spirit of Entrepreneurship. The Sam’s…
McDonough Authors Post on VAntage Point
Col. James McDonough (U.S. Army, Ret.), IVMF Managing Director of Community Engagement and Innovation, has authored “Transparency, Data-Sharing Solutions Boost Work to End Veteran Homelessness“—a blog post featured on the VA Blog, VAntage Point.