Campus & Community
SU Summer Soccer Camps
I wanted to let you know about our two summer camps coming up in July. July 7-10 we have our Residential Camp for Boys ages 10-19 and July 8-12 we have our Junior Orange Camp for Boys and Girls ages…
E-Transcripts Now Available through Registrar’s Office
Through collaboration with ITS, aligned with ongoing efforts to provide online services to students and recent alumni, the Registrar’s Office now offers electronic transcripts that can be delivered in half the time it takes for the traditional hard-copy version. “The…
SU in the News: Friday, May 3
[View the story “SU in the News: Friday, May 3” on Storify]
SU in the News: Thursday, May 2
[View the story “SU in the News: Thursday, May 2” on Storify]
Bid through May 12 in Syracuse Stage’s First Online Auction Fundraiser
Syracuse Stage’s first online auction fundraiser is under way and open for bidding through May 12 at, or on the Bidding For Good smartphone app. Bidding For Good is a charitable e-commerce company that connects fundraisers, cause-conscious shoppers and…
SU Day at Citi Field
SU students, faculty, staff, family and friends are invited to join in the fun of SU Day at the ballpark! After two years at Yankee Stadium, SU Day shifts to Citi Field, home of the New York Mets and the…
SU in the News: Wednesday, May 1
[View the story “SU in the News: Wednesday, May 1” on Storify]
Syracuse Grows to Hold Fundraiser at Chipotle
Syracuse Grows is having a fundraiser at Chipotle on Marshall Street this Friday May 3rd from 4-7. If people eat at Chipotle between 4-7 on Friday then 50 percent of the cost of their meal will be donated to Syracuse…
Syracuse Gospel Music Workshop of America to Hold 3rd Annual Concert May 3
The Syracuse Chapter of the Gospel Music Workshop of America (SGMWA) will sponsor its 3rd Annual Concert, in partnership with Hendricks Chapel, on Friday, May 3, at 7 p.m. in the chapel. The event is free and open to the…
Carnegie Library Will Be Closed for the Summer; Items Available by Request
The Carnegie Library will be closed this summer, May 11-Aug. 20. During this time, there will be renovation work in the Carnegie building that may pose safety hazards, as well as create noise, dust and general disruption for users of…