All Media Coverage
NC State Game Time Changed to 7 p.m. Tonight
The game time for Syracuse vs. North Carolina State on Saturday, Feb. 15, at the Carrier Dome has been changed to 7 p.m. due to travel related issues. The Dome gates will open at 5 p.m., two hours before tip-off….
Military Spouse Study Finds High Number of Female Spouses Underemployed
Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) and the Institute for Veterans and Military Families at Syracuse University (IVMF) have announced the results of a national study focused on military spouse employment. The presentation will be made on Feb. 12 at…
Marching Band Performs at Super Bowl XLVIII
The NewsHouse produced this video highlighting the SU Marching Band performance at Super Bowl XLVIII. Read more about the band’s experience here. Syracuse University Marching Band at Super Bowl XLVIII from The NewsHouse on Vimeo.
Sledding on Crouse Hill
The hill in front of Crouse College provides a fun way to spend a snow day on campus, involving one of the lesser-known traditions on the SU Hill. Crouse Sledding from Syracuse University News on Vimeo.
Q & A: Robert Murrett on Security at the Sochi Olympics
Security has been a major concern for the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, Russia, which begin Friday, Feb. 7. Retired U.S. Navy Vice Admiral Robert B. Murrett, deputy director of the Institute for National Security and Counterterrorism and professor of…
Fans Attend Tailgate Party Before SU/Duke Basketball Game
Hundreds of Syracuse University Basketball fans gathered at the Goldstein Auditorium for the Ultimate Tailgate Party before the game against Duke. This video explains why some people drove more than five hours to be a part of it all. SU…
The Betting Side of the NFL
The National Football League, home to touchdowns and big hits, fuels many industries, including, for better or worse, the gambling industry. Bets from across the globe are placed every Sunday on every games, helped by crazed fans looking for return…
Lava Pour at SU
Rock heated to more than 2,000 degrees flowed down a chute made of ice as part of a unique collaborative effort called the Lava Project. This video captures the moment when molten rock burrowed a path through ice and snow….
Carnegie Library Renovations
Renovation work is now complete at the historic Carnegie Library. This video highlights some of the features of a quiet place on campus. Carnegie Library Renovations l 60 Second SU from Syracuse University News on Vimeo.
‘A Conversation with Congressman Dan Maffei’ At Jan. 30 TMR
The Jan. 30 session of Thursday Morning Roundtable will feature Congressman Dan Maffei, 24th District of New York. TMR meets from 8:15-9:15 a.m. Note: The Jan. 30 meeting will be held at WCNY Broadcast and Education Center at 415 W….