For The Media
Featured Faculty Experts
Faculty members at Syracuse University are available for expert commentary and analysis of breaking news and ongoing issues in the media landscape. Please contact the Syracuse University Media Relations team to set up interviews or for any questions about possible experts.
Browse Experts By
- Timely Topics
- Field
- Expertise
- adolescent development
- Advertising
- African American Studies
- Aging
- agriculture
- American Politics
- Anthropology
- Applied Game Theory
- Architecture
- Arts
- Athletics
- Biochemistry
- Biology
- Biophysics
- Biotechnology
- Broadcast and Digital Journalism
- Business
- Chemistry
- Child Development
- Child Health
- Children and Families
- civil liberties
- cloud management of dynamic edge services
- Communication Sciences and Disorders
- Communications
- computational journalism
- Creative Leadership
- Culinary Arts
- cultural and social geography
- Culture
- Cyber Security
- Cybersecurity
- Data Science
- Design
- Disability
- Earth History
- Economics
- Economy
- Education
- Engineering
- English
- Entrepreneurship
- environmental policy and administration
- Epidemiology
- Families and Relationships
- Fashion Design
- Film Studies
- finance
- Food and Society
- Food Studies
- Geography
- Global Change
- Health
- History
- Human Resources
- Inclusive Special Education
- Industrial and Labor Relations
- information studies
- International Affairs
- Internet governance
- issues in aging
- Journalism
- Law
- Leadership
- Linguistics
- Literacy
- LQBTQ Studies
- Magazine
- management
- Marketing
- Media
- medieval and renaissance studies
- mental health
- Music
- national and international technology policy
- Native American Studies
- Neuroscience
- Nutrition
- Online Education
- Organizational Behavior
- Peace Studies
- Philosophy
- Physics
- Policy
- Political Development
- Political Philosophy
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Public Administration
- Public Health
- Public Relations
- Pyschology
- Religion
- Retail
- Rhetoric
- Risk Analysis
- Risk Management
- Russia
- Science
- Science and technology policy
- Social Media
- Social Work
- Sociology
- Space Policy
- Speech-Language Pathology
- Sport analytics
- Sport Law
- Sport Management
- Sports and Society
- Sports Economics
- Statistical Modeling
- Supply Chain
- Systems Assurance
- Technology
- Television Radio & Film
- Veterans Affairs
- virtual markets
- wireless grids
- Women's and gender studies
- Workplace Management
- Writing
- accounting
- acid rain
- Addiction
- Adolescent and adult development
- Adolescent Development
- adolescents
- adversity and trauma mechanisms for risk and resilience in human development
- Advertising
- Advertising Art Direction
- advertising criticism
- african american art history
- African American History
- african american research methods
- african diasporic literature
- African international relations
- Africana Studies
- agenda setting and policy change
- aging
- Aging and health
- Aging and the Life Course
- agrarian political economy
- agriculture and food research
- agriculture technology
- aids and hiv
- air pollution
- american health care system
- American political development
- american politics
- American Popular Music
- americans with disabilities act
- anaerobic digesters
- and human resources
- Android
- Anti-Discrimination and Equality Law
- Antitrust Law
- Anxiety
- Aphasia
- Apple
- applied econometrics
- applied economics
- applied game theory
- Arab-Israeli conflict
- architectural geometry
- architecture
- Arizona
- armaments culture
- art and politics
- art history
- art teach training
- artificial intelligence
- Arts Education
- Asian/Asian American Studies
- asset pricing
- astronomy
- Athlete Endorsements
- Atrocity Law
- Attitudinal Ambivalence
- attorney ethics
- Autism and communication
- autism spectrum disorders
- autonomous systems
- bank behavior
- Bankruptcy
- Bankruptcy Law
- beauty ideals
- behavioral effects of advertising
- Behavioral Operations
- behavioral sports economics
- Betting Markets
- Big data
- biodiversity.
- biogeography
- Biological tissues
- Biological/environmental/social factors influencing the disease process among older Latina/o/x adults
- biometrics
- border wars and counterinsurgency
- Brain Injury
- Break-Ups
- breast cancer survivorship
- Brexit
- broadcast journalism
- brutalism
- budget policy
- budgetary politics
- building energy and environmental systems
- Bullying
- Bureaucratic politics
- Business Growth
- Business of Healthcare
- business regulations
- buying
- Buying and Selling Businesses
- capital markets
- cardiovascular and diabetic nutrition counseling
- cardiovascular disease risk in children
- Career Development in Film
- Career Development in Television
- ceramics
- chemistry
- child and family poverty
- child nutrition
- Children of Color
- Chlorophyll Biomarkers
- Christianity
- chronic disease and life course epidemiology
- Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE)
- Cimate Change
- cinema
- citizenship and democracy
- Civil Liberties
- civil rights
- civil rights of older persons with cognitive disabilities
- class
- classroom inquiry
- climate change
- climate change and energy
- Climate Science
- Coevolution
- Cognitive Science
- Cold War
- college student population
- comic books
- Commercial Law
- Commercialization
- Communication and Social Cognition
- Communication Disorders
- communications
- Communications Ethics
- Communications Law
- Communications Management
- communicative diversity
- community art programming
- comparative politics
- Comparative politics of Africa and the Caribbean
- competitive strategy
- Complementary Health
- complexity theory
- Compliance
- computational journalism
- Computer Science
- Computer Security
- conflict resolution
- consequences of global nutrition transition
- constitutional courts
- constitutional law
- consulting
- Consumer Finance
- Consumer Goods
- consumer law
- contemporary European philosophy
- content literacy
- contracts
- Corporate Finance
- Corporate Governance
- Corporate Law
- Corporate Sponsorships
- Corporate Strategy
- counterterrorism law
- counterterrorism law and policy
- Couples
- creative advertising
- creative nonfiction
- creative problem solving
- creativity
- Crime and Justice
- criminal law
- Criminal Procedure
- Crisis Communications
- crisis management
- critical race theory
- critical resource geography
- critical theory
- Cryptocurrency
- Culinary Arts
- cultural and social geography
- cultural food practices
- cultural foundations of education
- Cultural Organizations
- cultural studies
- Cultural Tourism
- culturally appropriate health communication
- curriculum development.
- cyber security
- Cybersecurity
- Cybersecurity Law and Policy
- data ethics
- data fusion
- Data science
- Decolonial feminism
- defects and deformation
- defense analysis
- dementia and family caregiving
- derivatives
- design
- detection and estimation theory
- develop improved access control for mobile systems
- developmental disabilities
- developmental methodology
- Developmental Psychopathology
- dietary supplements
- digital advertising
- digital communication technologies
- digital engagement
- digital media
- Digital Media Entrepreneurship
- digital publishing
- Disability
- Disability Law
- Disability Law and Policy
- Disability Studies
- discrimination and health
- distance learning
- distribution channel management
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Domestic Violence
- doping in sport
- Drones
- Drug Policy
- Drug Use
- Drugs and Drug Trafficking
- e-learning
- Early Childhood Education
- early-life adversity
- Economic Development
- economic growth
- Economic Impact
- economic theory of experts
- economics
- economics education
- economics of advertising
- economics of technological change
- Ecosystems
- Education
- educational experience
- Educational Leadership
- educational program development
- Elder Law
- Election 2016
- Emergency and War Powers
- emerging media
- Emerging technology
- Empathy
- employee voice and creativity
- employee work behavior
- energy balance
- engineering psychology
- English
- english education
- Entertainment Law
- Entertainment Media Effects
- Entrepreneurial Decision Making
- Entrepreneurial financing
- Entrepreneurship
- environment
- environmental conflict and investigation
- environmental disruption of metabolism
- environmental economics
- environmental exposure
- environmental health
- environmental justice
- Environmental law
- environmental policy and administration
- environmental politics and policy
- environmental sociology
- Environmental Statistics
- environmental toxicants
- environmentalism
- epidemiology
- epistemics
- esports
- European and American Music Since 1917
- European Union
- event planning
- Event Planning and Management
- Evolution of Plant-Insect Interactions
- evolutionary paleoecology
- executive leadership
- experiences of rural peoples.
- experiences of students of color in literacy
- Family Relationships
- Family Therapy
- Fan Interest
- Fantasy Sports
- fantasy/video gaming
- farm workers
- farmer's markets and CSAs
- fashion
- fashion design
- Federal tax policy
- Fetal programming
- field production
- Film Industry
- film studies
- finance
- financial management
- Financial Regulation
- fine art
- First Amendment Law
- food and agriculture policy
- Food and Immigration
- food and labor
- food and nutrition policy
- food justice
- food movements
- food studies
- foreign policy
- forensic science
- forensic science reform
- Formal Verification
- Free Speech
- freedom of speech
- Freedom Of the Press
- future of work
- Game Day Production
- gender
- gender and food/nutrition
- gender and media
- Gender and Sexuality
- Gender Diversity
- Gender Diversity in Advertising Agency Creative Departments
- Gender studies
- Gender Transition and Life Satisfaction
- genealogy
- general management
- Generational Justice and Equity
- genetically modified food
- geobiology
- geographic information systems
- geography
- geomorphology
- geosynthetics
- geotechnical engineering
- gerontology
- Gerrymandering
- Global Change
- global food access
- global health
- global health and development
- Global Value Chains
- government and politics
- government contracting
- Graphic Design
- gravitational waves
- gravity
- Grazing Ecosystems
- Green Roofs
- Haudenosaunee
- Health Care
- Health Care Finance
- Health Communication
- health communications
- health disparities
- health economics
- health impacts of climate change
- health inequalities
- health information systems
- health policy
- health promotion
- health-care policy
- healthcare administration
- hearing aids
- Hearing Impairment
- hearing science
- History of Jazz
- Hollywood
- hollywood cinema
- Home and Community-Based Care
- Homeless LGBTQ Youth
- horror films
- Housing and Law
- Human Behavior
- Human health and disease
- human impacts on environmental systems
- human rights
- Human Rights Law
- humanitarianism
- humanities
- ideation
- identification and intervention of secondary traumatic stress of child welfare workers
- identify problems in mobile apps and develop tools to detect them
- identity
- immigration
- Immigration Law and Policy
- immunology
- incarcerate relationships
- inclusive education
- Inclusive Elementary Education
- income inequality
- indigenous politics
- indigenous studies
- indoor air quality
- Industrial Design
- inequality and social stratification
- Infectious disease epidemiology
- infectious diseases
- information systems
- information technology
- Infrastructure
- insomnia and sleep disorders
- instructional systems design
- Integrated Risk Management
- Intellectual Property
- intelligence
- intelligent buildings
- inter-generational transmission of adversity
- Interactive Branding and Marketing
- interest groups and social movements
- Internal Communications
- international affairs
- international economics
- international finance
- international law
- international migration
- international relations
- international security
- internet advertising
- intertextuality
- Inventory Management with Learning from Real-time Information
- issues and trends in pediatric pain management
- IT Globalization
- Labor and Employer Relations
- labor control
- labor relations
- labor relations in sports
- Land Use and Real Estate
- language and literacy practices
- Language Recovery
- Latin America
- Latin American Experience
- latin american literature
- latino-latin american studies
- Latinx Feminist Theories
- Lava
- law
- law and economics
- Laws of War
- leader narcissism
- leadership
- Legal Affairs
- legal mobilization
- LGBT aging
- LGBT Rights
- LGBTQ studies
- life course
- literacy
- literacy education
- livestock industry
- loss and trauma in children
- machine learning
- macroeconomics
- macronutrient metabolism
- magazine
- malnutrition prevention in the elderly
- management
- Management Media Relations
- manufacturing
- marine paleoecology
- market microstructure
- marketing
- Marketing management
- marketing strategy
- Marriage and Family Therapy
- mass communications
- mass communications theory
- material emissions
- Math learning
- mathematics
- meal planning guidance
- media
- media coverage of the environment
- media regulations
- Media Rights
- Media Studies
- medical anthropology
- Medical Ethics
- Medical Sociology
- medicare
- medicinal chemistry
- medieval and renaissance studies
- memes
- Memory
- Mental Health
- Mental health and aging
- mental health issues
- merchandising
- micronutrient metabolism
- mid-Cretaceous
- Middle East
- Middle Eastern politics
- migration
- militarism
- military and defense strategy
- Military Civilian Divide
- military intelligence
- Military Law
- Military mental health
- Military Veterans
- millennials
- Mindfulness Meditation
- mining and extractivism
- minority aging
- mobile advertising
- mobility
- Modern American history
- Modern Environments
- Modern Mexican History
- modern Middle East
- monetary policy
- Monsoon Systems
- mosquito borne illnesses
- museum studies
- museums
- music
- Music and Gender
- Music and Media
- music criticism
- music history
- mutualism
- narrative theory
- National Security
- national security law
- National Security Law and Policy
- national security policy and strategy
- Native American Cultures of the Northeast
- Native American literatures
- Native American Religions
- Native American traditions
- New Battlefields and Shadow Wars
- New Deal
- new media
- New Venture Finance
- Non-Disclosure Agreements
- Nonprofit Governance
- nutrition
- nutrition and athletic performance
- Nutrition and Health
- nutritional intervention for wound healing
- obesity
- obsessive-compulsive disorders
- occupational epidemiology and psychosocial factors in the workplace
- Occupational stress
- Older Workers
- Olympics
- online education
- online learning
- Operational Risk
- Operations
- organic farming
- organizational behvavior
- organizational communications
- organizational studies
- outsourcing
- paleoclimate
- paleoclimatology
- pan Africanism
- Parallel Importation
- Patents
- patient and family-centered healthcare
- peace studies
- peacekeeping
- pediatric healthcare facility design
- pediatric medical traumatic stress
- Performing Arts
- personal finance
- personal selling
- persuasive communications
- pesticides and pollution from farms
- pharmaceutical drug development
- Philosophy
- philosophy of education
- photojournalism
- physical layer security
- physics
- physiological ecology
- Plate Boundaries
- plus sizes
- policy implementation
- policy studies
- political and economic history of Latin America and the Caribbean
- political communication
- political economy
- political geography
- political philosophy
- political psychology
- political science
- political speeches
- political theory
- politics and economics of the aging of America
- politics and social media
- Pollution
- pop culture
- Popular Culture
- population displacement and migration
- post-conflict reconciliation and reconstruction
- poverty policy
- Precambrian
- predatory loans
- Predatory Pricing
- prediction markets in sports
- printmaking
- Probability and Statistics
- production and distribution of knowledge
- professional development
- professional league management
- program
- Program Management
- Program Service
- property and tax law
- provision of nutritious menus in institutional and home settings
- psychoacoustics
- psychology
- Psychology and Media
- PTSD and Trauma
- public administration
- Public and nonprofit management
- public broadcasting
- Public economics
- public engagement
- public finance and public budgeting
- public health
- Public Health Statistics
- Public management
- public opinion
- public opinion on government spending
- Public Policy
- Public Relations
- Public Relations Campaigns
- public-private partnerships
- public/community engagement interventions
- pyrogeography
- R coding
- race
- Race and Ethnic Studies
- race and gender
- race and politics
- radar
- Real Estate
- Real Estate Finance
- rebuilding
- Regional Rainfall
- Relationships
- religion
- Religion and the Conquest of America
- Religions of the World
- religiosity
- religiousness
- renewable energy systems
- reproductive physiology
- research
- Retail
- Retirement Decision
- Retirement Income Security
- rhetorical theory
- rights of athletes
- Rights to adequate food and nutrition
- Risk Analysis
- risk management
- Rock Music
- romantic relationships
- rural development
- Russia
- Russian politics
- SAS coding
- Saudi Arabia
- School Shooting
- School Violence
- Science and technology policy
- Science literacy
- sensor networks
- service management
- Sexism
- Sexism in the Advertising Industry
- sexual behavior
- six sigma
- Small business
- Smart Cities
- smart phone and tablet security
- soccer
- Social Demography
- social determinants of health
- social justice
- social listening
- Social Marketing
- social media
- social media in politics
- social policy
- social security advocacy
- Social Security and Aging
- social security and financing
- Social Security and politics
- Social Security Financing
- Social Stigma
- social work
- sociology
- Sociology of Disability
- software development
- solar
- south asia
- South Asian studies
- space exploration
- spatial differences in morbidity and mortality
- spatial epidemiology
- spatial patterns and trends in mortality
- special education
- Species Interaction
- Speech Disorders
- Speech Pathology
- spirituality
- Sponsorship
- sport branding
- sport communications by teams leagues and organizers
- sport labor markets and betting markets
- sport law
- Sport Promotions
- Sport Technology
- Sports Advertising
- Sports Analytics
- Sports and Society
- Sports Attendance
- Sports Audience Demographics
- Sports economics
- Sports in Literature
- sports marketing
- sports nutrition
- sports television and media
- Start-Ups
- Statistical modeling
- STEM learning
- Stochastic processes
- strategic sourcing
- Stress and health
- Stroke
- structural engineering
- Students and Math
- substance use
- Super Bowl Advertising
- Supply Chain
- Supply Chain Management
- Supply Chain Risk Management
- surface tension
- Sustainability
- synthetic bioconjugate chemistry
- Systems Assurance
- taishoff center for inclusive higher education
- Tax
- tax expenditures
- tax policy
- tax season
- tax systems
- Taxation
- Taxes
- taxpayers
- Teacher Development
- teacher education
- teacher preparation
- Teachers
- teaching
- Teaching Preparation
- Technology
- technology development and innovation management
- Tectonics
- television
- Television Industry
- Texas History
- the changing role of taxation in social policy
- the individual alternative minimum tax
- The Olympic Movement
- the Super Bowl
- theory of American law
- theory of economic growth
- tort law
- Transgender Studies
- transgender youth
- Trauma
- Traumatic events
- Traumatic Stress
- Travel
- treatment of bereavement
- trust in government
- TV Ratings for Sporting Events
- twentieth-century Europe
- Type 2 Diabetes
- vaccines
- Value of Wind Energy
- Vegetarianism
- Vegetarianism and disordered eating behaviors
- ventilation
- Venture Capital
- Veteran and Military Family Education
- Veteran entrepreneurship
- Veteran General Population
- Veteran Post-Service Transition
- Veteran Transition
- Veterans
- Veterans and Military Spouse Employment
- Veterans in Higher Education
- video games
- Video Production
- viral events
- Virtual Reality
- visual culture
- Visual Reality and Psychology
- Visualization
- Visuals in Advertising
- Vladimir Putin
- Volcano
- Voting Rights
- war
- war and technology
- warehousing
- wastewater surveillance
- water
- water governance
- water infrastructure
- Water Quality
- weight loss counseling
- wetland preservation
- Wine Futures
- Wine Markets
- wireless communications
- women and gender studies
- Women in Engineering
- Women in the Justice System
- Women's and Gender Studies
- women's health
- women's history
- workplace envy
- writing
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Liveshot Studio
Syracuse University has an in-house broadcast studio and LTN transmission for television networks and programs that wish to do live or taped interviews from campus. ISDN access can also be arranged for radio interviews. For more information, contact News Services at 315.443.3784.