All Posts in #National Science Foundation
ECS Professor Receives NSF Grant for Internet of Things Research
The growing capabilities of sensing, computing and communication devices are leading to an explosion of Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructures. Advances in such technologies as autonomous systems and artificial intelligence also promise enormous economic and societal benefits. Naturally, it is…
College of Arts and Sciences Faculty Member’s Interdisciplinary Research Selected for Grant
Assistant Professor of Physics Alison Patteson’s research on the concept of “emergence” in living systems was selected by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to receive an Early-Concept Grant For Exploratory Research (EAGER) award on Sept. 12. The NSF selected Patteson’s…
A&S Researchers Lay the Groundwork to Reconstruct Global Climate through Earth’s History
A key component when forecasting what the Earth’s climate might look like in the future is the ability to draw on accurate temperature records of the past. By reconstructing past latitudinal temperature gradients (the difference in average temperature between the…
NSF Grant Funds Research of Curvature and Symmetry
What does the surface of a desk and the surface of a beach ball or bagel have in common? The answer is, if you zoom in close enough on each item, they all look flat. Of course, we all know…
Two College of Arts and Sciences Faculty Members Earn NSF CAREER Awards
Denver Whittington, assistant professor in the Department of Physics, and Weiwei Zheng, assistant professor in the Department of Chemistry, are principal investigators for separate five-year National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER awards. The Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program is a…
Physics Department Works to Improve Gravitational Wave Detection
Albert Einstein first predicted the presence of gravitational waves in 1916 in his general theory of relativity. Fast forward 99 years to 2015, when researchers obtained the first physical confirmation of a gravitational wave generated by two colliding black holes,…
Biomedical and Chemical Engineering Professor Zhen Ma Receives NSF CAREER Award
Scientists have long known that some people have stronger heart muscles than others and there are multiple factors that can contribute to heart muscle strength in adults including exercise, genetics and diet. Even with all we know, there are still…
Students Pursue Research at Sites across Country through NSF-Funded Program
Mathematics major Danika Van Niel ’18 conducted original research in algebraic geometry last summer within the Mathematics Department at Purdue University. In the process, she learned what a career in mathematics research involves—and discovered more about herself. “I learned about…
Phonologist Documents Tonology, Syntax of Distinctive Kenyan Languages With NSF Grant
Last year, Christopher Green, assistant professor of linguistics, spent a month in Kenya with colleagues at Kenyatta University and members of the Luyia ethnic group to continue to explore and better understand the richness of their languages. Green spent many…
Geologist Awarded Prestigious CAREER Grant
A sedimentary and organic geochemist, Christopher Junium will use the five-year award, valued at more than $524,000, to study how marine communities respond to global warming, anoxia (i.e., lack of oxygen) and ocean acidification.