All Posts in #Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics
NPR Asks if Sports Can Make a City
Rick Burton, Endowed Professor of Sport Management in the David B. Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics, was interviewed on the NPR show 1A for the episode “Can Sports Make a City?” In the NPR episode, Burton provides some of his…
Chef Kiernan Offers Advice on Food Safety
Chef Mary Kiernan, an Associate Teaching Professor who teaches Food Safety and Quality Assurance in Falk College, offers this advice for families who are concerned about the impact of the partial government shutdown on food safety: The more “local” you can buy,…
Sport Management Professor Interviewed about SU Bowl Game
Dennis Deninger, Professor of Practice in Television, Radio & Film at the Newhouse School, was interviewed for the Spectrum News story “Could Orange Empire be the Edge SU Needs to Win their Bowl?” “It’s obvious that if you feel like…
Falk College Expands Graduate Merit Scholarships Beginning Summer 2019
Graduate merit scholarships have been expanded for prospective students interested in matriculating into master’s degrees, either full- or part-time, offered in Falk College effective Summer 2019 (includes MAYmester Summer Session I, Summer Session II, Combined Summer Session). Incentives include no…
Professor Maria Brown Leads Aging Studies Institute’s Community Collaboration to Benefit Older Adults Living at Home with Cognitive Decline
A recently launched pilot project to screen for cognitive decline as part of routine community health services currently offered to older adults is expected to demonstrate the benefits of early detection of Alzheimer’s Disease and other dementias (AD/D). One major…
Center for Online and Digital Learning Expands to Keep Pace with Growing Demand for Online Courses
University College’s Center for Online and Digital Learning (CODL) is a signature One University initiative and a strategic response to the growing demand to quality online programming at Syracuse University. The center was launched in 2017 and now includes a…
USA Gymnastics Under Fire – Falk Sport Management Professor Weighs In
Rick Burton, the David B. Falk Endowed Professor of Sport Management in Falk College, was a guest for the Bloomberg podcast “USA Gymnastics Under Fire; Hear the NCAA’s Side.” Burton joined Scott Soshnick, Michael Barr and Eben Novy-Williams to discuss…
Students, Community Leaders, Policy Makers Discuss Homelessness at 20th Annual James L. Stone Legislative Policy Forum
Addressing homelessness, including the implications for public policy, was the focus of the 20th Annual James L. Stone Legislative Policy Symposium held Friday, Oct. 26, at the Onondaga County Legislative Chambers. Syracuse University students in the Falk College’s School of…
Social Work Seniors Collecting Donations for Huntington Family Centers Food Pantry
Seniors in the Falk College School of Social Work are hosting a food drive through Tuesday, Nov. 13, to benefit Huntington Family Centers food pantry. Members of the University community are invited to contribute nonperishable food items and hygiene products. Donation boxes are available…
The Rescue Mission Named Beneficiary of Sport Management Club’s 14th Charity Sports Auction
The Sport Management (SPM) Club at Syracuse University announced the Rescue Mission as the beneficiary of its 14th annual Charity Sports Auction. Slated for Dec. 1 in the backcourt of the Carrier Dome, the auction will take place in conjunction…