All Posts in #College of Engineering and Computer Science
Syracuse University Students Show their New Inventions as part of Invent@SU
Students participating in Invent@SU were featured in a report by Channel 9 entitled SU students developing cutting edge inventions in new program
Public Exhibition at SyracuseCoE Explains Transportation Alternatives for CNY
The public is invited to a presentation of a “Feasibility Assessment of Sustainable Transportation (FAST): Syracuse,” a recent study on sustainable transportation alternatives for Central New York. The findings of FAST: Syracuse will be shared in a research and technology forum…
Alumnus Plans to ‘Race Across America’
More than 3,000 miles—and every type of possible terrain—separate picturesque Oceanside, California, from Annapolis, Maryland. Over the course of seven to eight days, Syracuse University alumnus Ryan Jean ’09 and three teammates will race across those 3,000 miles on bicycles…
Students Design 3D Metal Printer for GE
Commercial 3D printers commonly use thin layers of a material, often a polymer, to construct computer-aided designs or scanned models. Using metal in 3D printing has also become possible using certain types of industrial printers. This process is also known…
Students Present on Variety of Topics at ACC Meeting of the Minds Conference
Six students with a variety of research projects—such as community attachment resilience in a deindustrialized city, the effects of using different basketballs in NCAA play and 3D flow visualization in virtual reality—represented Syracuse University at this year’s ACC Meeting of…
Charting the Course for Drones
Researchers and businesses see incredible potential in the growing Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) industry, but the emerging opportunities carry a lot of challenges. On May 3, more than 65 representatives from consulting, aerospace, engineering, insurance and imaging companies met with…
Students build a car for special needs children
Bioengineering students Katie Cooper, Brendan Butcher and Zach Reers were featured in the CNY Central story SU student-built ‘Otto-mobile’ helps students with disabilities
“Healthy Building” research featured
The research of Suresh Santanam, Associate Professor and Director of Industrial Assessment Center Biomedical & Chemical Engineering, was profiled in Monitor on Psychology for the article Healthy buildings, productive people
Bioengineering Students Deliver Custom-Built ‘Otto-Mobile’ to Jowonio School in Syracuse (Video)
Bioengineering students Katie Cooper ’17, Brendan Butcher ’17 and Zach Reers ’17 worked with the Jowonio School in Syracuse on their senior capstone design project. The students built a custom toy car that could help special needs students with mobility…
Bonding Over Infrastructure
Updating aging roads, water and sewer lines is not only a challenge for engineers but also for those who have to develop budgets and policies for governments around the world. Practical solutions require understanding technical, political and social implications, and…