All Posts in #College of Engineering and Computer Science
Engineering and Computer Science Students Help Kids Fly in Vintage Flight Simulator at M.O.S.T.
Known as “blue boxes,” the compact blue mini-planes designed by Binghamton New York engineer Edwin Link in 1929 were the first commercially available flight simulators. To build them, Link used his experience working for his family’s piano and organ business….
Research Team Develops 3D Tissue Model of Developing Human Heart
The heart is the first organ to develop in the womb and the first cause of concern for many parents. For expectant mothers, the excitement of pregnancy is sometimes offset by anxiety over medication they require. Parents and doctors often…
Engineers, Computer Scientists Unite to Develop Autonomous UAVs
The future of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is autonomy. Giving UAVs the ability to operate on their own opens up a world of possibilities, including package delivery, photography, surveillance and more. Today, most UAVs still need someone to control them…
SU Research Team Selected to Present Energy Saving Research at ARPA-E Energy Innovation Summit
New technology developed by NYSTAR Distinguished Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Professor H. Ezzat Khalifa and his research team will be one of the featured projects at the Department of Energy’s Advanced Research Projects Agency–Energy (ARPA-E) Energy Innovation Summit…
Graduate Student Seth Delisle Helps to Engineer Faceoff Wins for Syracuse Men’s Lacrosse
On a typical Tuesday morning, Seth DeLisle, mechanical and aerospace engineering graduate student in the College of Engineering and Computer Science, is working on complex differential equations that measure the lift and thrust a helicopter needs to fly. “The classes…
Deadline Extended for Summer 2018 Invent@SU Program
This summer, Invent@SU returns to transform undergrads into inventors as they design, prototype, and pitch original devices. The program is open to all Syracuse University undergraduate students. Now, students have a second chance to be a part of the program. The application deadline for the…
Interdisciplinary Student Team Develops ‘Farm to Flame’ Plan for Energy Grids Powered by Farm Waste
When Will McKnight’s grandfather and uncle devised a process for converting farm waste to power, their goal was a simple one. “They wanted to replace wood pellets that produce smoke and toxins—that’s where the idea came from,” says McKnight ’18….
Penn Engineering Dean Vijay Kumar, Expert in Flying Robots, Speaking Feb. 20 for University Lectures
The University Lectures series welcomes aerial robotics expert Vijay Kumar, the the Nemirovsky Family Dean of Penn Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania, on Tuesday, Feb. 20, at 7:30 p.m. in Hendricks Chapel. His appearance is free and open to…
Become a Leader in Cybersecurity this Fall—General Interest Meeting Feb. 28
In today’s hyperconnected world, cyberattacks on our institutions and personal information are increasing. Governments and industries alike need well-trained experts to protect us. This fall, the Cybersecurity Semester (CSS) returns to the University to teach computer science and computer engineering students from…
Critical Cuts to US Cyber Standards Agency Leaves Us Vulnerable
According to recent reports, the Trump Administration’s new fiscal 2019 funding plan includes cuts to the National Institute of Standards and Technology – a group that oversees measurement standards, including those in the cybersecurity field. Shiu-Kai Chin is an electrical…