All Posts in #College of Arts and Sciences
Arts and Sciences Professor’s Research Aids Wyoming Ranchers
Laura Lautz, Professor and Department Chair of Earth Sciences in the College of Arts and Sciences, was interviewed about her research in the Casper, Wyoming, Star-Tribune story “Once considered the scourge of agriculture in the West, ranchers are now building…
College of Arts and Sciences Announces Tolley Professorships
The College of Arts and Sciences (A&S) has announced the consecutive appointments of two highly regarded and esteemed faculty members to the title of William P. Tolley Distinguished Teaching Professor in the Humanities. Ken Frieden will hold the appointment for…
Syracuse Awarded $3.7 Million for Particle Physics Research
Physicists in the College of Arts and Sciences are closer to understanding what happened after the Big Bang nearly 14 billion years ago, thanks to a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF). The High-Energy Physics (HEP) Group in the…
Sociologists Link Service-Connected Disability to Veteran Mortality Disadvantage
The impact of service-connected disability (SCD) on the U.S. veteran mortality rate is the subject of a presentation by a trio of Syracuse University professors at the 2018 Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association (ASA) in Philadelphia. Scott Landes,…
Back to the Future of Climate Change
Researchers at Syracuse University are looking to the geologic past to make future projections about climate change. Christopher K. Junium, assistant professor of Earth sciences in the College of Arts and Sciences (A&S), is the lead author of a study…
Retired Judge Martha Bellinger ’72 Recalls Lifetime of Breaking Down Gender Barriers, Rallying For LGBT Rights
March 12, 1968. Another stark afternoon in Central New York, as Martha Bellinger ’72 and her parents wrap up a campus tour of Syracuse. The visit is mostly a formality for the future journalism major, thanks to her high school…
Military Veterans Attend Academic Boot Camp on Campus
For some military veterans, the first day of school at a new college or university is as challenging as a deployment to a foreign country. Immersion in a new culture and reintroduction to a demanding academic environment can make the…
Band on the Run: Syracuse University Brass Ensemble Soaks in Spirit of Bluegrass State
When James T. Spencer, director of the Syracuse University Brass Ensemble (SUBE), turned to accept the applause at the 2018 Great American Brass Band Festival (GABBF) in Danville, Kentucky, he joked to himself, “Now what do we do for an…
Speech Research Study for Children
Children from 3 to 5 years of age are invited to participate in a research study at Syracuse University, in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders. The research focuses on the development of speech in young children, specifically, on…
Forensic and National Security Sciences Institute Appoints New Director
James A. Hewett, associate professor of biology and neuroscience in the College of Arts and Sciences (A&S), is the newest director of the Forensic and National Security Sciences Institute (FNSSI). He succeeds Kevin Sweder, professor of forensic science, who is…