All Posts in #College of Arts and Sciences
Community Folk Art Center Offers Exhibition, Music, Film in Celebration of Black History Month
The Community Folk Art Center (CFAC), a unit of Syracuse University’s Department of African American Studies in the College of Arts and Sciences, is celebrating Black History Month with an array of cultural programming open to the Syracuse University and…
Maija Tammi—Art Photographer and Communicator of Science
Photography serves as an accurate means to convey what we observe within a specific context or contexts. From its early days, photography has served an important double role in the recording and communication of science and as art form. Maija…
Geochemist Breathes New Life into ‘Great Oxidation Event’
A researcher in the College of Arts and Sciences is providing fresh insights into the “Great Oxidation Event” (GOE), in which oxygen first appeared in the Earth’s atmosphere more than 2.3 billion years ago. Christopher Junium, assistant professor of Earth…
Physicist Joseph Paulsen Receives CAREER Grant from NSF
Joseph Paulsen, assistant professor of physics in the College of Arts and Sciences (A&S), has been awarded a five-year Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) grant from the National Science Foundation. The project, titled “Ultrathin sheets on curved liquid surfaces:…
Carver Reading Series Continues with Author Alexander Chee
The 2016-17 Raymond Carver Reading Series continues on Wednesday, Feb. 15, with Alexander Chee, the Spring 2017 Don McNaughton Reader in the College of Arts and Sciences. He will participate in a Q&A at 3:45 p.m. and will read from…
Wayne Franits Named Distinguished Professor
Wayne Franits, professor of art history in the College of Arts and Sciences, has been named a Distinguished Professor by Vice Chancellor and Provost Michele Wheatly. The distinction is one of the University’s highest honors for faculty members, bestowed upon…
University Lectures Hosts Jhumpa Lahiri, Pulitzer-Winning Author of ‘Interpreter of Maladies’
Pulitzer Prize-winning author Jhumpa Lahiri will speak for the University Lectures on Tuesday, Feb. 7, at 7:30 p.m. in Hendricks Chapel. Lahiri’s appearance is co-sponsored by the College of Arts and Sciences and the Humanities Center. The event is free…
(Video) Panel Discussion in NYC on Gravitational Waves Discovery
On Thursday, Feb. 2, faculty members from Syracuse University and MIT joined together in New York City for a panel discussion on the historic discovery of gravitational waves. Syracuse University professors Duncan Brown and Peter Saulson and associate professor Stefan…
Africa Initiative Hosts Kwame Dixon Talk, Book Signing
Kwame Dixon, assistant professor of African American studies in the College of Arts and Sciences, will discuss Afro-Brazil and the global struggle for human rights from 5:30-7:30 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 2, in 319 Sims Hall. The event, “The Afro-Brazilian Experience…
The Science of Shipwrecks
On New Year’s Eve in 1862, the USS Monitor sank in a violent storm at Cape Hatteras, off North Carolina’s windswept coast. Sixteen of her 62 sailors perished. One survivor, a surgeon named Grenville Weeks, lost three fingers and the…