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Message from Keith A. Alford: Camaraderie Over Hate
Dear Students, Faculty and Staff: Early Saturday morning, two African American students reported being subjected to racist vitriol while walking on the side of a road. While we have no way of knowing who launched these verbal attacks or if…
Building Local Fair Leads to New Partnerships With Local Businesses
Last May, the Office of Community Engagement and the Division of Business, Finance and Administrative Services hosted Syracuse University’s first-ever Building Local procurement fair. The fair introduced local business enterprises—including those owned by women, minorities, veterans and others (referred to…
Winter Issue of Wordgathering, a Digital Open Access Journal of Work From Disabled Writers and Artists, Now Live
The winter issue of Wordgathering: A Journal of Disability Poetry and Literature is now live on Wordgathering’s new website. This is the quarterly journal’s 52nd issue and the first under publication by the Office of Interdisciplinary Programs and Outreach in…
Volunteers Needed for April ‘Living Library’ Event
Syracuse University Libraries will host its annual “Living Library” event on Thursday, April 2, from noon to 5 p.m. in Bird Library. Patrons will have the opportunity to talk to “living books”—volunteers from the broader Syracuse University community representing a…
Students have Plentiful Outdoor Adventure Opportunities This Semester
Meeting all interests and skill levels, the Barnes Center at The Arch provides students with opportunities to Be Active through a number of year-round outdoor adventure activities. Despite the current cold temperatures, the spring Outdoor Adventure trips provide students with…
Thrive! Well-Being Series Continues with New Sessions Each Month
The Thrive! well-being series for faculty and staff focuses on breaking down the science of well-being and the key elements known to increase happiness, combat overwhelm and move us from simply surviving to thriving! Upcoming Thrive! sessions—led by facilitator Jaime…
Earth Sciences Professor Pushes For More Women At the Science, Technology Table
For Tripti Bhattacharya, the road to a career in earth sciences has taken a few twists and turns along the way. Bhattacharya, the Thonis Family Assistant Professor of Earth Sciences, first thought she would explore a career in environmental policy…
University Competing in RecycleMania Collegiate Recycling Competition Through March 28
Syracuse University is competing in RecycleMania, the eight-week national recycling and waste reduction competition where colleges across North America are ranked on their recycling, trash and food organics reduction efforts. The competition began Feb. 2 and continues until March 28….
Department of Drama Presents Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo and Juliet’
The Department of Drama is beginning the spring semester with William Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet.” Directed by faculty member Thom Miller, this production brings a fresh take to Shakespeare’s timeless classic about a pair of star-crossed lovers. “Romeo and Juliet”…
Applications Now Open for 2020 RvD iPrize Competition and Regional Qualifier for the New York Business Plan Competition
Applications are being accepted now through March 13 for the School of Information Studies’ (iSchool) Raymond von Dran (RvD) Fund for Student Entrepreneurship pitch competition and the Hunter Brooks Watson Spirit of Entrepreneurship Award (Watson Award) for full and part-time…