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Robert Thompson on the new season for streaming programs.
Robert Thompson, Trustee Professor of radio, television and film and director of the Bleier Center for Television and Popular Culture in the Newhouse School, was interviewed by WGBH Radio (Boston) about the new season for streaming programs. In the story…
Professor Reza Zafarani Receives NSF CAREER Award to Study Intersection of Humans and Networks
At every moment you are surrounded by—and part of—countless networks. A social network can connect us to family, friends and information; an electric transmission network connects generators to customers; or an individual street can connect with networked highways across a…
“America’s maps are still filled with racist place names.”
Mark Monmonier, Distinguished Professor of geography and the environment in the Maxwell School, was cited in The Washington Post opinion article “America’s maps are still filled with racist place names.” Monmonier, an expert on the history of cartography and map…
“Finding Vibrant Views: Madison County Man Helps Create Foliage Map.”
Alan Middleton, Associate Dean of Research and Scholarship and professor of physics in the College of Arts and Sciences, was interviewed for the Spectrum News story “Finding Vibrant Views: Madison County Man Helps Create Foliage Map.” Scott Flaherty, the Executive…
“Diversity gap persists on Schenectady Police Department.”
Danielle Smith, professor of African American studies in the College of Arts and director of the Renée Crown University Honors Program, was interviewed for the Schenectady Daily Gazette story “Diversity gap persists on Schenectady Police Department.” The lack of diversity…
“2020’s Best Cities for Vegans & Vegetarians.”
Sudha Raj, teaching professor of nutrition and food studies in Falk College, was the expert source for a Q&A in the WalletHub feature “2020’s Best Cities for Vegans & Vegetarians.” Raj, who specializes in vegetarian food practices, helps to highlight…
Southeast ADA Center to Host Virtual Series in Celebration of National Disability Employment Awareness Month
In recognition of important milestones this year, the Southeast ADA Center and the Burton Blatt Institute of Syracuse University will host a four-event Virtual Series: Disability Employment–Looking Back & Moving Forward on each Wednesday in October starting at 1 p.m….
The stadium renovation and Syracuse University football’s big win
The stadium renovation project was noted in more than 400 outlets that reported on the Syracuse University football team’s win over Georgia Tech Saturday, including The Washington Post, The Associated Press, ESPN, Newsday and the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
Chancellor and President Kent Syverud on the Stadium renovation
Kent Syverud, Chancellor and President, was quoted about the first phase of the stadium renovation project in more than 100 media outlets, including Yahoo! Finance, Business Insider, multiple Fox News regional stations, Morningstar, and “From graduations to great moments…
“At UN assembly quieted by a pandemic, the US-China clash is loud.”
Francine D’Amico, teaching professor of international relations in the Maxwell School, was interviewed for the Christian Science Monitor story “At UN assembly quieted by a pandemic, the US-China clash is loud.” In the most recent U.N. meeting, Secretary-General António Guterres…