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“Why aren’t NY farm workers in the Covid-19 vaccine line?”
Laura-Anne Minkoff-Zern, associate professor of food studies in Falk College, was interviewed for the story “Why aren’t NY farm workers in the Covid-19 vaccine line?” Minkoff-Zern, an expert on the intersections of food and social justice, comments on the…
Message from Chancellor Kent Syverud
Dear Members of the Orange Community: Like so many of you, I am disgusted by the horrific acts of hate and violence that tragically claimed the lives of eight people in the Atlanta area last night. While law enforcement is…
Pilot Program to Support Humanities Faculty Completing Scholarly Manuscript
The College of Arts and Sciences invites applications from full-time tenure-track and tenured faculty members completing a book-length manuscript to apply for funds to enable three senior, external scholars in their field to read and comment on their manuscript and…
Testing Schedule for North Campus Residence Halls
Dear North Campus Students: As a follow up to the campuswide message shared a short time ago, we are writing to share the testing schedule for all students who live in North Campus residence halls. Due to emerging clusters of…
IVMF’s Maureen Casey to Host Panel Discussion Featuring Women Leaders From U.S. Military
Syracuse University’s Women in Leadership Initiative (WiL) is offering a virtual fireside chat, “Lessons In Leadership–Insights from a Collective,” on March 23 from 4 to 5 p.m. ET. The discussion will be hosted by Maureen Casey, chief operating officer for…
Public Health Advisory: New Action Required to Combat Spike in COVID-19 Cases
Dear Students, Families, Faculty and Staff: A short time ago, the University’s COVID dashboard was updated to reflect the 20 new COVID-19 infections we have confirmed in the past 24 hours. All these new COVID-19 cases are among students. As…
Genet Gallery Presents ‘The Suffrage Shop’ Through March 28
The Sue and Leon Genet Gallery in the College of Visual and Performing Arts’ School of Design is presenting “The Suffrage Shop,” an exhibition co-curated by museum studies graduate students, Madeline Nielsen G’21 and Emma Rathe G’21, through March 28. As…
Communications Design Students Win Multiple Awards in Graphis New Talent Annual
Eight members of the communications design (CMD) Class of 2020 in the College of Visual and Performing Arts’ School of Design won awards in the Graphis New Talent Annual 2021, an international design competition. Their winning work was created when…
“Hispanic lawmakers press Pentagon on extremism in the military.”
New research conducted by the Institute for Veterans and Military Families (IVMF) was cited in the CBS News story “Hispanic lawmakers press Pentagon on extremism in the military.” The article explains how the Congressional Hispanic Caucus urged U.S. Defense Secretary…
Architecture and Maxwell Schools to host City Scripts ‘Charting Renewal’ Public Forum
The School of Architecture and the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs will host “Charting Renewal: Blueprint 15 and Re-renewal,” a City Scripts public forum on Thursday, April 1 from 5:30–7 p.m. Free and open to the public, the…