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Urban Video Project Presents ‘Steffani Jemison: Figure 8’
For nearly a decade, Brooklyn-based artist Steffani Jemison has been deeply invested in examining the ways knowledge is constructed and legitimized. This interest stems from a fascination with frameworks of interpretation and narration (as well as critical theory), and vernacular…
“Global: How International Students’ Perception of Racism in the U.S. Has Changed”
Yingyi Ma, associate professor of sociology in the Maxwell School, was interviewed for The Chronicle of Higher Education Q&A piece “Global: How International Students’ Perception of Racism in the U.S. Has Changed.” Ma, who also serves as the director of…
“UN panel warns that ‘well-known global brands’ may be linked to Xinjiang human rights abuses”
Corri Zoli, research assistant professor of political science in the Maxwell School and director of research in the Institute for Security Policy and Law, was quoted in the South China Morning Post article “UN panel warns that ‘well-known global brands’…
‘China Has a Large and Growing Navy: What is the Rest of the Story?’
Robert Murrett, professor of practice of public administration and international affairs in the Maxwell School and deputy director of the Institute for Security Policy and Law, wrote an op-ed for the Military Times titled “China has a large and growing…
Commencement Updates for Classes of 2020 and 2021
Dear Members of the Syracuse University Community: I write today to update you on our planning for Commencement for the classes of 2021 and 2020. As detailed below, our current planning recognizes generally improving public health conditions and growing access…
All Individuals 16 and Older Eligible to Receive COVID-19 Vaccination Beginning April 6
Dear Students and Families: We are writing to share some very positive news from the New York State Department of Health. Beginning Tuesday, April 6, all individuals age 16 and older will be eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine. We have…
Message from Damon Williams
Dear Syracuse University Community: In November 2019, the Syracuse University Board of Trustees Special Committee on University Climate, Diversity and Inclusion asked me to serve on an Independent Advisory Panel and, later, to conduct a campus climate “pulse” survey and…
Interfaith Dialogue Dinner Series to Address ‘Spiritual Care During Turbulent Times’
The University’s ongoing Interfaith Dialogue Dinner Series, “Common and Diverse Ground: Raising Consciousnesses by Acknowledging the ‘Hidden’ Things that Divide Us,” is offering a virtual conversation roundtable for the Spring 2021 semester. Participants will discuss the topic, “Presence and Pandemics:…
Deadline Extended for Nominations for Undergraduate and Graduate Recipients of the Chancellor’s Award for Public Engagement and Scholarship
The deadline has been extended for the submission of nominations for the 2021 Chancellor’s Award for Public Engagement and Scholarship (CAPES). The new deadline is Friday, April 2. CAPES is one of the awards that will be presented at the…
“Despite Problems In the Past, Biden to Try Again with ‘Green’ Stimulus.”
David Popp, professor of public administration and international affairs in the Maxwell School, was interviewed by The New York Times for the story “Biden’s Lesson From Past Green Stimulus Failures: Go Even Bigger.” With past experience with a “green jobs”…