Helen Hudson, founder of Mothers Against Gun Violence, to receive 2009 Daniel and Mary Lou Rubenstein Social Justice Award April 7
Helen Hudson, founder of Mothers Against Gun Violence, to receive 2009 Daniel and Mary Lou Rubenstein Social Justice Award April 7March 30, 2009Michele Barrettmibarret@syr.edu “We can’t stay back and be silent. Violence is not condoned,” were the words of Helen…
Whitman’s National Association of Black Accountants club hosts inaugural gala April 3
Whitman’s National Association of Black Accountants club hosts inaugural gala April 3March 30, 2009Abby Kasowitz-Scheeraskasowi@syr.edu The National Association of Black Accountants (NABA) student club in the Whitman School of Management at Syracuse University will hold its inaugural gala on Friday,…
Syracuse University’s Newhouse School, College of Visual and Performing Arts to present third annual fashion communications fashion show
Syracuse University’s Newhouse School, College of Visual and Performing Arts to present third annual fashion communications fashion showMarch 30, 2009Wendy S. Loughlinwsloughl@syr.edu Students from Syracuse University’s S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications and College of Visual and Performing Arts (VPA)…
UCLA behavioral scientist Thomas J. Coates to speak on HIV prevention at seventh annual Center for Health and Behavior lecture April 15
UCLA behavioral scientist Thomas J. Coates to speak on HIV prevention at seventh annual Center for Health and Behavior lecture April 15March 30, 2009Jaime Winne Alvarez jlwinne@syr.edu Thomas J. Coates, director of the Program in Global Health and the Michael…
Whitman holds Tracy Halpin Memorial 5K Run April 25
Whitman holds Tracy Halpin Memorial 5K Run April 25March 30, 2009Amy Schmitzaemehrin@syr.edu Beta Alpha Psi, a student organization within the Whitman School of Management at Syracuse University, will host the second annual Tracy Halpin Memorial 5K Run on Saturday, April…
Syracuse iSchool professor Nicholson shares expertise at Hogeschool van Amsterdam’s International Game Week
Syracuse iSchool professor Nicholson shares expertise at Hogeschool van Amsterdam’s International Game WeekMarch 30, 2009Margaret Costello Spillettmcostell@syr.edu Scott Nicholson, associate professor and director of the Syracuse University School of Information Studies‘ M.S. in Library and Information Science program, is used…
Exhibition by VPA master of fine arts degree candidates opens April 9 at SUArt Galleries
Exhibition by VPA master of fine arts degree candidates opens April 9 at SUArt GalleriesMarch 30, 2009David L. Princedlprince@syr.edu “MFA 2009,” an exhibition of works by master of fine arts degree candidates from the College of Visual and Performing Arts…
MLK Celebration Committee seeks new members
MLK Celebration Committee seeks new membersMarch 30, 2009Kelly Homan Rodoskikahoman@syr.edu The planning committee for the Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration is seeking new members from the Syracuse University community-students, faculty and staff. The 25th Annual MLK Celebration Dinner will be…
Newhouse School to hold Media Literacy Day for local sixth-graders April 3
Newhouse School to hold Media Literacy Day for local sixth-graders April 3March 30, 2009Wendy S. Loughlinwsloughl@syr.edu On Friday, April 3, 89 sixth-graders from Edward Smith Elementary School in Syracuse will visit the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications to participate…
SU Graduate Philosophy Conference April 3-4 features seven invited speakers
SU Graduate Philosophy Conference April 3-4 features seven invited speakersMarch 27, 2009Rob Enslinrmenslin@syr.edu Philosophy of science, value theory and history of philosophy are among the topics being covered at this year’s Syracuse University Graduate Philosophy Conference April 3-4. The event,…