Engineering Students Compete in Steel Bridge, Concrete Canoe Challenges at ASCE Regional Conference
Syracuse University hosted the 2017 Upstate New York Regional American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Conference from April 20-22. Students from Syracuse University, SUNY Polytech, Clarkson, University of Buffalo, RIT, RPI, Cornell, SUNY Canton, United States Military Academy at West…
Genetic Engineering Expert to Discuss Technology-Assisted Crop Breeding April 26
Pamela Ronald, distinguished plant pathology professor at the University of California, Davis, will present the annual Jack and Pat Bryan Life Sciences Lecture. Ronald, a rice geneticist and advocate of ecologically responsible crop development, will speak about the future of…
SyracuseCoE Invites Proposals for Seed Projects to Support Faculty Research in Environmental and Energy Systems
SyracuseCoE—New York State’s Center of Excellence in Environmental and Energy Systems—is offering funding to support seed projects that strengthen faculty scholarship in clean and renewable energy, indoor environmental quality and water resources. Successful applicants will participate in the SyracuseCoE Faculty…
Turning to Aquarium Fish for Human Spinal Cord Injury Treatment
Katharine Lewis, associate professor of biology in the College of Arts and Sciences, has received a five-year grant of $242,500 from the New York State Spinal Cord Injury Research Board (SCIRB) that will support her lab’s research on spinal cord…
New Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Lab Takes Flight
It was a rare opportunity and one that College of Engineering and Computer Science Associate Professor Amit Sanyal and his doctoral student Sasi Prabhakaran G’15 wanted to make the most of. They had the chance to develop open space at…
Repairing Bone with 3D Printing
Metallic implants—widely used clinically to replace diseased or damaged bone tissue—are not biodegradable and stay in the human body until removed surgically. The implants may also have problems with corrosion and could cause a negative reaction with the immune system….
iSchool Announces New Master’s Degree in Applied Data Science
With the increasing amount of large data sets being collected by corporations and institutions across all sectors of the economy, the demand for individuals with skills in data processing and analytics is growing dramatically. Recent studies show that the time…
Blum Named TACNY College Educator of the Year
Assistant Professor Michelle Blum was honored by the Technology Alliance of Central New York (TACNY) as the organization’s College Educator of the Year at the 18th Celebration of Technology awards banquet in March. Blum joined the College of Engineering and…
University to Host ASCE Upstate New York Regional Student Conference
On April 20-22, Syracuse University will host the 2017 American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Upstate New York Regional Student Conference. The event is a chance for civil engineering undergraduate students to participate in fun and challenging competitions, develop teamwork and…
STEM Faculty Land Grant to Recruit, Retain Underrepresented Students
Four Syracuse University professors, led by John Tillotson, associate professor and department chair of science teaching, have received a three-year, $999,719 National Science Foundation (NSF) grant to support recruitment and retention of underrepresented students in science, technology, engineering and math…