Ph.D. Candidate Nicolás Pérez-Consuegra Leads Research Expedition in Search of Answers to Erosion in Colombia
In April 2017, a landslide in Mocoa, Colombia, ripped through a local town, killing more than 300 people. Nicolás Pérez-Consuegra grew up about 570 miles north in Santander, Colombia, and was shocked as he watched the devastation on television. At…
Professor Develops Model to Shape the Future of Pasta and Sustainability
Like pasta, the pursuit of global environmental sustainability takes many shapes. In a paper titled “Morphing Pasta and Beyond,” published as the cover story in the May 2021 issues of Science Advances, researchers found a way to redesign noodles as…
Shared Competency Community of Practice Supports Information Literacy and Technological Agility
“We live in an increasingly digital environment and our students need to have a specific set of skills to function in society and to succeed in any career,” says Jian Qin, professor and program director of the master of library…
Aerospace Engineering Senior Selected for National Ammon S. Andes Award
Aerospace engineering senior Daniel Oluwalana ’21 has been selected as the 2021 Ammon S. Andes National Award Winner from the national aerospace engineering honor society, Sigma Gamma Tau. The award is highly competitive and designed to recognize the top undergraduate…
FNSSI’s Mike Marciano Appointed to Committee that Oversees State Forensic Lab Accreditation
Public forensic laboratories analyze crime scene evidence and turn that evidence into facts admissible in the court of law. In New York State, a 14-member committee of crime experts develop standards and oversee accreditation for the 20 public forensic laboratories…
A&S Biologist Contributes to Paper on Feasibility of Using 3D Printed Insects in Mating Studies
When it comes to choosing a partner, humans tend to be attracted by characteristics like personality and common interests. In contrast, insects tend to be a bit shallow, as they choose a mate based on appearance, and in some cases,…
World P@$$w0rd Day: Tips To Protect Your Digital Identity
The first Thursday of May is World Password Day, an annual reminder to promote better password habits and digital security. With more of our lives online than ever before, what should people know about passwords to better protect their identity…
Libraries and American Chemical Society Sign Innovative ‘Read and Publish’ Open Access Agreement
Syracuse University Libraries and the Publications Division of the American Chemical Society (ACS) recently signed an innovative “read and publish” open access agreement that will expand the reach of Syracuse University researchers’ scientific contributions. Open access provides students, faculty and…
Engineering and Computer Science Faculty Awarded Grant for Catheter Research Project
For the 75 million people who require a urinary catheter, urinary tract infections are a serious concern. Catheters are prone to colonization by bacterial and fungal pathogens, which causes antibiotic-resistant infections. An infection can also lead to pH changes in…
Electrical Engineering, Computer Science Researchers Win Artificial Intelligence Award
A research collaboration between electrical engineering and computer science researchers and colleagues at Upstate Medical University on detecting Alzheimer’s disease won a notable award at an artificial intelligence conference. Professors Asif Salekin and Senem Velipasalar, EECS graduate students Fatih Altay…