Biology and Earth and Environmental Sciences Departments Come Together on Diversity and Engagement Initiatives
In 1948, Professor James Hope Birnie became Syracuse University’s first African American faculty member in biology, teaching here until 1951. He was also one of its first biology faculty members to be supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH)….
Black Hole Image Shows Einstein Was Right, Once Again
Today a team of astronomers announced they successfully captured the first direct image of the black hole at the center of the Milky Way galaxy. Duncan Brown is the Charles Brightman Endowed Professor of Physics at Syracuse University’s College of…
Biomedical and Chemical Engineering Professor’s Research Team Receives Multiple Awards at Society for Biomaterials Conference
Biomedical and chemical engineering Professor Mary Beth Monroe attended the Society for Biomaterials (SFB) 2022 meeting in Baltimore, Maryland, with Ph.D. students Anand Vakil, Henry Beaman, Changling Du and Maryam Ramezani, master’s student Natalie Petryk ’21, G’22 and undergraduate students Caitlyn…
Viewing a Microcosm Through a Physics Lens
“What can physics offer biology?” This was how Alison Patteson, assistant professor in the College of Arts and Sciences’ physics department and a faculty member in the BioInspired Institute, began the explanation of why her physics lab was studying bacteria. In…
University’s Top Putnam Math Competition Finisher Awarded Inaugural Erdős Prize
Junior Connor Ritchie has won the Department of Mathematics’ inaugural Erdős Prize for being Syracuse University’s top finisher in the William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition. The Putnam contest is the preeminent mathematics competition for undergraduate college students in the United States and Canada,…
Sasha Valitutti Selected as a 2022 SMART Scholar
Sasha Valitutti, a junior aerospace engineering major in the College of Engineering and Computer Science, has been named a recipient of a Science, Mathematics and Research for Transformation (SMART) Scholarship from the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD). The award will…
Preserving Aquatic Ecosystems, One Lake at a Time
Svetoslava Todorova is passionate about her work with aquatic ecosystems. For years, she’s been bringing small groups of her Syracuse University students to Green Lakes State Park, equipped with gear to measure the make-up of the lake and armed with…
SyracuseCoE Awards $30,000 to 3 Local Companies for Product Development, Technology Innovation
Three New York State companies have been awarded $30,000 in the first round of the 2022 SyracuseCoE Innovation Fund competition. For this round, SyracuseCoE partner companies were invited to submit proposals in SyracuseCoE’s focus areas of indoor environmental quality and…
Bringing Science Back Home: Ph.D. Candidate Tiffany Hamm Works to Expand STEM Access
Tiffany Hamm, a fourth-year science education doctoral student, formerly taught earth science in her hometown of Bronx, New York. She chose the School of Education to pursue a Ph.D. because she wanted to do more in the field. Making science…
‘Seeing Possibility For Myself’: SUSTAIN Program Continues to Cultivate, Support STEM Talent
In 2017, John Tillotson, associate professor and department chair of the Department of Science Teaching in the College of Arts and Sciences (A&S), set out to improve upon the country’s retention rate of college science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) majors among underrepresented…