Campus & Community
Zipping Along the Connective Corridor
Construction is about to start for the Connective Corridor passing under Route 81 into downtown Syracuse, and the next phase will be launched with a “Zip Fest” Street Fair.
Remembrance Week Ceremony Marks 25th Anniversary of “The Darkest Day”
Remembrance Ceremony at Syracuse University from Syracuse University News on Vimeo. Here’s a transcript of our story: “One by one, remembrance scholars stepped forward to pledge to act forward in memory of the people killed aboard Pan Am 103 twenty-five…
Eat to Live Food Co-op Opens
Here’s the transcription of our story: Eat to Live Food Co-op video transcript Interviewer: “With the snip of a ribbon, the newest grocery store on Syracuse’s Southside was officially open for business.” Shirley Rowser, Board President: “It’s so exciting. It’s…
Volunteers Still Needed for Family Weekend
SU Family Weekend is November 1 through Nov. 3 and the Parents Office is still in need of volunteers for the Family Weekend Parents Place Hospitality Suite in Schine Student Center and the Family Weekend Kick-Off Event in the Goldstein…
Flu Shots Available for Employees
The Office of Human Resources is pleased to announce that Syracuse University will once again provide free flu shots to University employees. Flu shot clinics specifically for faculty and staff will be held on campus in the coming weeks. For…
SU in the News: Wednesday, October 16
Eat to Live Food Co-op Opens on South Side
Several years in the making, the urban food cooperative offers fresh and affordable food in an area of Syracuse that until now has had few other nutritious options.
West African Dance Workshops Open to Campus Community
As part of the annual “Music Beyond Borders” event to celebrate International Education Week, the Slutzker Center for International Services is hosting artist-in-residence Biboti Ouikahilo, master African dancer, drummer and teacher from the Ivory Coast, West Africa. Ouikahilo is teaching…
University Lectures Hosts Civic Entrepreneur Eric Liu
Civic entrepreneur Eric Liu will speak on what patriotism really means in the next University Lectures presentation on Tuesday, Oct. 22. Liu’s presentation, “The True Meaning of Patriotism,” will begin at 7:30 p.m. in Hendricks Chapel and is free and…
Research Study Seeks Participants Who Know Someone with Intellectual Disability
A new Syracuse University research study conducted through the Falk College’s Department of Public Health, Food Studies and Nutrition is currently seeking participants who have a family member or friend with an intellectual disability. The study is funded by the…