Campus & Community
Goal Getter: When Tahirah Abdul-Qadir ’26 Sets a Goal, She Achieves It
When Syracuse native and first-year student Tahirah Abdul-Qadir ’26 set a goal to complete the Congressional Award program, she went for the highest achievable level possible: the Congressional Gold Medal. The requirements are rigorous: 400 hours of voluntary public service;…
Learn How InclusiveU Student Thomas Wilson ’23 Is Fulfilling His Dreams on the ‘’Cuse Conversations’ Podcast
Like most children, Thomas Wilson ’23 grew up watching television. But unlike most children, his preferred shows weren’t cartoons. Rather, he loved watching both the local and national newscasts, dreaming of one day sitting behind the anchor desk or serving…
Orange Community Invited to Participate in Forever Orange Week, March 20-24
From an enlightening book talk to Boost the ‘Cuse and a birthday celebration, Forever Orange Week 2023 promises to be the most exciting one to date! Forever Orange Week, March 20-24, is Syracuse University’s annual celebration of what it means…
Libraries Hours for Spring Break 2023
The Libraries will have reduced hours for Spring Break week, March 11-18. Hours will be as follows: Bird Library Saturday, March 11: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Sunday, March 12: noon-8 p.m. Monday, March 13-Thursday, March 16: 8 a.m.-8 p.m. (Note the…
Associate Provost Chris Johnson to Step Down From Academic Affairs Administrative Post, Return to ECS Faculty Full Time
After nearly five years of service as associate provost for academic affairs, Chris Johnson has announced he will step down from his administrative role and return to full-time faculty duties in the College of Engineering and Computer Science (ECS). “Chris…
Bias Incident Reporting, Communication, Resources and Services
Dear Students, Faculty and Staff: As we reach the midpoint of the Spring 2023 semester, we want to remind our community of the processes we follow as it relates to bias incident reporting, how we communicate and the resources and…
Agreement Between University and Syracuse Graduate Employees United and SEIU Local 200United
Dear Members of the Syracuse University Community: Over the last several weeks, Syracuse Graduate Employees United (SGEU), the Service Employees International Union Local 200United (SEIU) and Syracuse University engaged in productive conversations about the graduate student unionization efforts. As a…
University Remembers Professor Emerita Nancy Weatherly Sharp
Nancy Weatherly Sharp, professor emerita in the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications and former University mace bearer, died on Feb. 12. She was 86. Sharp was born in Illinois and raised in Missouri. She studied journalism at the University…
Black History Month 2023 In Photos
In February, the campus community came together to celebrate Black History Month through a series of programs, events and discussions. With efforts led by the Black History Month Planning Committee and coordination by Multicultural Affairs, the monthlong celebration highlighted Black…
Falk College Sport Analytics Students Continue Success at National Competitions
In their professional careers, students from Syracuse University’s Sport Analytics program will have to adjust to adverse situations, think on their feet, and meet demanding deadlines. If recent events are any indication, they’ll do just fine in the real world….