All Media Coverage
Dineen Hall Welcomes First Classes
The College of Law welcomed its 118th first-year J.D. class on Aug. 18 as 170 students arrived for a week-long orientation program, including the traditional community service project to help local food pantries. The college also welcomed its third incoming…
Dineen Hall Opening Celebration Set for Sept. 12
The College of Law is celebrating the opening of Dineen Hall on Friday, Sept. 12, with a series of events to engage students, faculty, alumni, friends and the legal community.
Statement from Syracuse University Regarding Princeton Review Party School Ranking
Statement from Senior Vice President for Public Affairs Kevin Quinn Regarding Princeton Review Party School Ranking “We are disappointed with the Princeton Review ranking, which is based on a two-year-old survey of a very small portion of our student body….
Aug. 1 Movie on the Quad location change
Due to possibility of rain, the Friday, Aug. 1 Movie on the Quad has been moved to the rain location of Shemin Auditorium. Movie: “Ride Along” Syracuse University employees, registered students and family members are welcome. The events are not…
Newhouse to Host Viewing Parties Sept. 29 as Part of Dedication Celebration
The Newhouse School will host viewing parties for students, faculty and staff on Monday, Sept. 29, as part of the dedication of the Newhouse Studio and Innovation Center. Part of an $18 million renovation of Newhouse 2, the new facility…
Emergency Response Crews and Newhouse School to Conduct Training Exercise on July 29
The Department of Public Safety, along with the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications, will be conducting a drill on Tuesday, July 29, from 8-11:30 a.m. The exercise will take place in the 100 block of Winding Ridge Road. DPS,…
I81 Workgroup Report
Click here to download I81 workgroup report
DPS Training Set for July 11
On Friday, July 11, the Syracuse University Department of Public Safety (DPS) will hold a training exercise from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 311 Chinook Ave. on South Campus. Officers will be taking part in training and responding as…
Strawberry Festival Still Scheduled
Friday’s weather forecast is calling for a 40 percent chance of rain and 79 degrees. SU’s annual Strawberry Festival will still be held from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Enjoy a refreshing strawberry sundae or shortcake – they’re free for students with…
Heat Advisory Issued for Syracuse, Hours Extended at Student Center for Relief
The University will be extending hours at Goldstein Student Center Tuesday to provide an additional cool space during a period of high heat and humidity in the forecast. The National Weather Service (NWS) issued a heat advisory for Syracuse and…