Faculty Experts

Jeffrey Karson

Professor: Tectonics & Magmatism of Rifts and Transform Faults Tectonics & Magmatism of Rifts and Transform Faults, Earth and Environmental Sciences

Jeffrey Karson is Professor: Tectonics & Magmatism of Rifts and Transform Faults Tectonics & Magmatism of Rifts and Transform Faults in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences.

His research is focused on the structural and tectonic analysis of rift and transform plate boundaries. investigations of contental extensional terranes, rifted continental margins, Iceland and mid-ocean ridges provide overlapping perspectives on crustal accetion across a spectrum of environments dominated by magmatic construction and mechanical deformation. He uses outcrop-scale data collected from a wide range of research approaches including field geology, drone imaging, and seafloor investigations using submarines, ROV’s, and AUV’s to constrain larger-scale tectonic processes. The cross-pollination of data and processes from different environments helps to provide a more comprehensive understanding of crustal accretion on Earth and other planetary bodies.

Prof. Karson is also one of the leaders of the Syracuse University Lava Project. The lave pours promote and allow for scientific experiments, artistic creations, education and outreach to the Syracuse University and City communities.