All Posts in #Students
Back to the Future of Climate Change
Researchers at Syracuse University are looking to the geologic past to make future projections about climate change. Christopher K. Junium, assistant professor of Earth sciences in the College of Arts and Sciences (A&S), is the lead author of a study…
Nangia’s Research Featured on Journal of Physical Chemistry Cover
Associate Professor Shikha Nangia’s research on the blood-brain barrier is prominently featured on the cover of the Aug. 2 Journal of Physical Chemistry B. The paper, “Self-Assembly Simulations of Classic Claudins—Insights into the Pore Structure, Selectivity, and Higher Order Complexes,” is…
Whitman School Announces Partnership with National Black MBA Association
The Martin J. Whitman School of Management has announced a new partnership with the National Black MBA Association as part of the first installment of the NBMBAA Collegiate Partnership Program. The program aims to increase awareness and facilitate access to graduate…
Historic $1 Million Gift to Hendricks Chapel Launches New Student Opportunity Fund: Endowment Provides Financial Assistance for Students in Need
A historic $1 million gift to Hendricks Chapel will assist students experiencing financial hardship and ensure access to academic enrichment opportunities that would otherwise be unavailable to them, announced Hendricks Chapel Dean Brian Konkol. The gift, from a Syracuse University…
Witnesses to History: Two Syracuse Law Students Go to Work on the Judge Kavanaugh SCOTUS Nomination
This fall semester, two Syracuse University College of Law students will play their part in a judicial appointment that has the potential for momentous political, social and historical significance. 3L Kristina Cervi and 2L Emily Green will be working for…
Fulbright Scholars Find an American Welcome at SU
Dian Purwanti, from Indonesia, was most impressed with the clean tap water. For Cyrille Zongo, from Burkina Faso in West Africa, it was the clean streets. Rawan Badarna, from Palestine, was amazed by the technology and diversity. These bright, motivated…
Price Family Foundation Offers High School Students a College Experience
When Horane Daley from DeWitt Clinton High School in Bronx, New York, learned he was selected to participate in Syracuse University’s Summer College Program for High School Students, he was very grateful for the opportunity. “I was ecstatic (when I…
New PAIA Class Includes Four Robertson Fellows
The Maxwell School has announced that four new Robertson Foundation for Government Fellows are among the 2018-19 cohort of master’s students in public administration and international affairs (M.P.A./IR) who began classes in July. They join three who started programs last…
Students Learn the Art of Podcasting while Showcasing the Lives of Syracuse Workers
In the last episode of “Working: Syracuse,” a podcast that highlights stories of people living and working in the Syracuse area, hospice caregiver Annie Wilcox discusses what her job has taught her. “People who are dying don’t want to sit…
Nanoelectromechanics to Polyfluoroalkyls: Not Your Typical Summer Job at the Innovation Law Center
Dineen Hall incorporates many natural light-filled spaces throughout its design, places where faculty and students can sit together and collaborate, and that is certainly true for the Innovation Law Center’s (ILC) suite in the southeast corner of the College of…