All Posts in #Sport Management
Two Falk Sport Analytics Teams Win at SABR Diamond Dollars Competition
For the sixth straight year, members of the Department of Sport Management’s Sabermetrics Club participated in the Society of American Baseball Research (SABR) Analytics’ Spring Diamond Dollars Case Competition. Due to Covid-19, the Syracuse University students did not travel last…
Sport Management Club Raises $57,000 for Make-A-Wish During 15th Annual Charity Sports Auction
The Sport Management Club at Syracuse University (SPM) raised $57,021 for Make-A-Wish Central New York as a result of its 15th Annual Charity Sports Auction. During the Orange men’s basketball game on Nov. 16 at the Dome, supporters placed bids…
On a Winning Streak: Syracuse Sport Analytics Students Prove They’re Ready to Storm the Industry
Assembling a championship-caliber team and a profitable business organization is a challenge that sports owners, executives and managers face every day in the ultra-competitive world of sports. Increasingly, they are turning to data analytics for an advantage. Whether it is…
Students and Faculty Team Up with Orange Connections for a Super Experience
For three Newhouse broadcast and digital journalism students, the opportunity to cover Super Bowl LIII Media Week in Atlanta was a big score. The sportscasting trio of Jackson Ajello ’19, Drew Carter ’19 and Jonah Karp ’20 logged endless hours,…
NPR Asks if Sports Can Make a City
Rick Burton, Endowed Professor of Sport Management in the David B. Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics, was interviewed on the NPR show 1A for the episode “Can Sports Make a City?” In the NPR episode, Burton provides some of his…
Sport Analytics Students Present Research at European Sports Economics Association Conference
Students Justin Perline ’19 and Charles “CB” Garrett ’19 in Falk College’s sport analytics program attended and presented at the European Sports Economics Association (ESEA) Conference in Liverpool, England, from Aug. 29-31. ESEA is the premier sports economics conference held…
Sport Management Alumnus Promotes Olympic Athletes of Team Visa
At the Olympics in PyeongChang, Brian Meyer ’11 is cheering on a roster of international athletes. Meyer, an account manager with Endeavor (formerly WME|IMG), works with the Visa Olympic Sponsorship team, managing the 54 Olympic and Paralympic athletes for the…
Falk Sport Analytics Majors Place First at NYU’s SABR Diamond Dollars Case Competition
A team representing the Syracuse University Sport Management Baseball Statistics and Sabermetrics Club won the SABR Diamond Dollars Case Competition at NYU earlier this month. Falk College sport analytics majors Justin Perline ’19, CB Garrett ’19, Luke Scheetz ’21, Trevor…
Olympic Sponsorships Will Start to Cost More
As the Olympics inch closer to returning to host sites in Europe and America, the price for sponsorships has been on the rise. The David B. Falk Endowed Professor of Sport Management Rick Burton was interviewed by Bloomberg Pursuits, saying…
Rick Burton Weighs in on Who Won Super Bowl LI off the Field?
“T-Mobile really presented Justin Bieber in a beneficial way for Bieber’s brand. They were on-point with their message in what their product would provide,” Rick Burton, David B. Falk Endowed Professor of Sport Management, Syracuse University, told via email.