All Posts in #social media
Facebook’s Dive Into Local News
Social media platform Facebook is adding a new aspect to its user’s news feeds: local news coverage. This is to combat the fake news epidemic that struck the site as a part of the most recent Presidential election. While Facebook…
How Trump and Social Media Have Changed Politics recently took a look at how social media has helped shaped politics, specifically in regards to President Trump’s actions on Twitter. For the article, they interviewed Newhouse professor Jennifer Grygiel, who discussed the Russian election scandal, and how it…
Syracuse Social Media Experts on Memes, the White House, and Society
While many find humor in memes and fake news surrounding President Trump’s Gorilla Channel story, two Syracuse professors, Jennifer Grygiel of the Newhouse School and Jennifer Stromer-Galley of the iSchool, explained to the New York Times how it shows larger…
Social Media Expert Grygiel on Logan Paul’s Loyal Followers
After a severely controversial video landed him in a global hot seat, YouTube star Logan Paul could still find support from his online followers. According to Newhouse Professor Jennifer Grygiel, who spoke with CNet about this issue, because of YouTube’s…
How 280 Characters Influences Twitter and its Users
Twitter used to limit its users to 140 characters. Now, the social media giant has doubled its allowed character count to 280 characters, changing up the landscape of the platform. For Agence Presse-France, Newhouse Professor Jennifer Grygiel spoke about how…
How Facebook Targets Its Ads at You
After accusations of Russian meddling in 2016 election, many have wondered how Facebook ads can be targeted at specific demographics. iSchool Professor Jeff Hemsley spoke on this topic for USA Today, specifically in regards to viral advertising. ‘It’s known as…
How Russian Ads Influenced So Many
During election season, Russian ads on Facebook and social media influenced many voters in crucial states. However, these ads were very graphically unnapealing and unprofessional. How then, did they work so well? Newhouse Professor Jennifer Grygiel answered this question for…
Social Media Experts Available for Commentary on Russian Hacking
On Nov. 1, representatives from Facebook, Twitter and Google are expected to testify publically before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and the House intelligence committee’s Russia Investigative Task Force. These hearings will question how Russian-backed accounts used these social…
Expert Grygiel Explains how Social Media Sparked #MeToo Campaign
A wave of social media posts using the hashtag #MeToo swept over online accounts, in a movement aimed at bringing to light the vast reach of sexual assault and harassment. Assistant professor of communications at the Newhouse School Jennifer Grygiel…
Facebook’s Fake News Problem Persists
In the wake of the massacre in Las Vegas, many are seeing fake news of the event being spread on Facebook and other social media sites. This is nothing new to the goliath company, having already been in hot water…