All Posts in #faculty
Professor Duncan Brown on Major Discovery of Origins of Gold
After a team of scientists detected a collision of two neutron stars, they now know the origins of heavy metals like gold a platinum. Duncan Brown, the Charles Brightman professor of physics, talks to Newsday about this disovery. “This is…
Professor Duncan Brown on Finding a Collision of Two Neutron Stars
After a discovering a collision of neutron stars, scientists can now explain how heavy elements like gold and platinum are created. In Business Insider, Duncan Brown, the Charles Brightman professor of physics explained how this new discovery helped fuel new thinking. “Some…
Hiroshima Survivor to Share Her Experience during University Events
School of Architecture Associate Professor Yutaka Sho first met Keiko Ogura in the summer of 2016 in Japan during the SU Abroad travel seminar Design Through a Tourist’s Eye. The seminar focused in part on the way communities remember and…
Magazine Professor Jim Shahin’s ‘Smoke Signals’ Column Recognized in Two Writing Competitions
It’s double kudos for Jim Shahin, associate professor of magazine at the Newhouse School. Shahin placed second in the Best Food Column category of the Association of Food Journalists’ 2017 awards competition for “MLK’s booth at his go-to barbecue joint…
Syracuse Architecture, iSchool Faculty Receive NSF Grant for Joint Research on Smart Energy
The National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded a Smart & Connected Communities (S&CC) grant of $99,965 to three Syracuse University faculty/Center of Excellence fellows: iSchool professor Jason Dedrick, principal investigator, and Syracuse Architecture assistant professors Elizabeth Krietemeyer and Tarek Rakha, co-investigators. They…
Keith A. Alford to Deliver Keynote Address for InterFaith Works of CNY Oct. 26 Spiritual Care Day
Since 1987, the last week of October marks Pastoral Care Week, a celebration that is truly international in its scope. As it is celebrated this year Oct. 22-28 around the world, in Syracuse, InterFaith Works of CNY will hold its Annual…
Much is at Stake as Trump Travels to Asia
President Trump has a lot on the line as a scheduled trip to Asia draws closer, and tensions with North Korea increase. The week-long trip across the globe could result in many ways, and as Grant Reeher, professor of political…
Syracuse Physicists Usher in a New Golden Age of Astronomy
Syracuse University physicists are among a global team of scientists to make a revolutionary discovery confirming the origins of gold and other heavy metals whose presence in the universe has been a long-standing mystery.
Questions for Stefan Ballmer on Discovery of Collision of Neutron Stars and the Origins of Gold
Stefan Ballmer, associate professor of physics in the College of Arts and Sciences, is one of the Syracuse physicists on the LIGO team that has made groundbreaking discoveries on gravitational waves and, now, the collision of two massive neutron stars…
Peter Saulson: ‘Astronomy Will Never Be the Same’
The Martin A. Pomerantz ’37 Professor of Physics, Peter Saulson has devoted much of his career to searching for gravitational waves. Here, he reflects on the importance of the latest discovery of these so-called “ripples in spacetime,” and what it…