All Posts in #Events
E.C. Osondu G’07 Returns to Syracuse for Carver Reading Series March 25
The Raymond Carver Reading Series in the College of Arts and Sciences continues with E.C. Osondu G’07, the series’ James Breuer Distinguished Author. On Wednesday, March 25, Osondu will participate in a Q&A session from 3:45 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.,…
WNBA President Laurel Richie to Give Next University Lecture
WNBA President Laurel J. Richie is the next speaker in the University Lectures series on Wednesday, March 18, at 7:30 p.m. in Hendricks Chapel. In her presentation, “The WNBA: Showing the World What’s Possible,” Richie will describe her experiences in…
The Year-Round Season of the NFL
Unlike many of its other professional sports leagues, the National Football League has managed to expand its time in the spotlight outside of its playing season, and into a year-round event. While the playing season technically lasts from September to…
Former Amazon Chief Scientist Andreas Weigend to Give Next University Lecture
Andreas Weigend, former chief scientist at Amazon and founder of Social Data Lab, is the next speaker in the 2014-15 University Lectures series. His presentation, “We Are Our Data: Harnessing the Power of Social Data,” is Tuesday, March 3, at…
Carver Reading Series Continues with Novelist Jenny Offill Feb. 11
The Raymond Carver Reading Series in the College of Arts and Sciences continues with a visit by award-winning novelist Jenny Offill. On Wednesday, Feb. 11, she will participate in a Q&A session at 3:45 p.m., followed by an author reading…
Carver Reading Series Announces Spring Lineup
The M.F.A. Program in Creative Writing in the College of Arts and Sciences has announced its Spring 2015 Raymond Carver Reading Series. Named for the great short-story writer and poet who taught at Syracuse in the 1980s, the Carver Series…
Humanities Center Launches 2015 Spring Symposia
The Humanities Center (HC), housed in the College of Arts and Sciences, has announced its 2015 Spring Symposia schedule. Events include the HC Faculty Fellow Symposia, the HC Dissertation Fellow Symposia, the HC Symposia, Central New York Humanities Corridor Seminars…
Carrie Mae Weems Weaves Stories With Her Work in Next University Lecture
Over the past 25 years, Weems has worked toward developing a complex body of art that has at various times employed photographs, text, fabric, audio, digital images, installation and video.
Award-Winning Playwright Eve Ensler Delivers University Lecture Wednesday
Ensler’s presentation, “In The Body of Justice” will begin at 7:30 p.m. in Hendricks Chapel and is free and open to the public.
University Lectures Kicks Off New Season Sept. 30 with Van Jones
Environmental advocate Van Jones will be the first guest of the University Lectures 2014-15 season at Syracuse University on Tuesday, Sept. 30. Jones’ presentation, “Green Jobs and Sustainability,” will begin at 7:30 p.m. in Hendricks Chapel and is free and…