All Posts in #College of Engineering and Computer Science
SU ADVANCE Generates Gains for Women in STEM
On Oct. 25, members of Syracuse University faculty, administrators, students and friends gathered to celebrate the progress achieved by a seven-year initiative to advance opportunity for women faculty in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) disciplines. The National Science Foundation’s…
Professor Zhen Ma Receives 2017 Lush Prize for Young Researcher (Americas)
Zhen Ma, biomedical and chemical engineering professor in the College of Engineering and Computer Science, was selected as the winner of the 2017 Lush Prize for Young Researcher (Americas). The Lush Prize, now in its sixth year, is a collaboration between cosmetics…
Chin, Chapin Testify to NYS Senate on Cybersecurity
In the wake of the Equifax breach, the New York State Senate turned to Syracuse University’s cybersecurity faculty to learn about cyberthreats, best practices and solutions. In the following select passages of their written testimonies, Professors Shiu-Kai Chin and Steve Chapin share their expertise…
Du Publishes Cybersecurity Textbook
This fall, Professor Wenliang (Kevin) Du published a new cybersecurity textbook, “Computer Security: A Hands-on Approach.” The book is written for students, computer scientists, computer engineers, programmers, software developers, network and system administrators and others who want to learn the principles of…
Five College Of Engineering & Computer Science Professors Honored with Endowed Professorships
On Friday, Nov. 3, professors Jesse Bond, Dacheng Ren, Biao Chen, Jae Oh and Young Moon from the College of Engineering & Computer Science were formally inducted as endowed professors. Dean Teresa Abi-Nader Dahlberg and Provost Michelle Wheatly recognized the…
Invent@Su Info Sessions Nov. 13 & 14
Next summer, Invent@SU will return to transform undergraduate students into inventors as they design, prototype and pitch original devices. The immersive invention accelerators will be held on campus and at the Fisher Center in New York City. For the first time, the program…
Strong Showing for Orange Hacker’s Association at National Cybersecurity Competitions
The students in the Orange Hacker’s Association are “white hat hackers”—hackers who test cybersecurity programs not to break them, but to help make them safer. “People think of it as a very bad thing, but actually a hacker is just someone who…
Researchers Combine Experimentation, Simulation to Understand Chronic Infections
People who suffer from chronic infections, such as Lyme disease, are forced to resign themselves to the fact that they will live with the disease for the rest of their lives. Researchers in the College of Engineering and Computer Science are taking…
Arents Winner Mary Spio ’98 Brings Virtual Reality to Everyday People
As Neil Armstrong took his infamous “one small step” onto the surface of the moon, Mary Spio’s world took a giant leap forward. Decades removed from the actual event, as a child in Ghana, Spio watched a lunar landing documentary…
Power and Responsibility—Ethics In Engineering and Computer Science
“With great power comes great responsibility.” This is the expression that motivates Spider Man to fight the battle of good and evil in comic books and on the silver screen. Ethics expert Professor Dana Radcliffe says it is also a fitting principle…