All Posts in #alumni
Dr. Sharon Brangman ’77 to Give 35th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Public Affairs Lecture
Dr. Sharon Brangman ’77, Distinguished Service Professor and Chief of Geriatrics at SUNY Upstate Medical University, will give the 35th annual Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Public Affairs Lecture on Wednesday, March 28, at 6 p.m. in the Peter Graham…
Laura Marsolek ’13, G’17 Is University’s First Luce Scholar
An alumna of the College of Arts and Sciences and former participant in the Renée Crown University Honors Program, Marsolek is one of 18 Luce Scholars chosen from a pool of 162 candidates nominated by 73 colleges and universities across the United States.
Life in the Fast Lane
Last fall, Bob Sorokanich ’08 tweeted Tesla celebrity CEO Elon Musk, asking to test-drive his company’s new Model 3. Sorokanich, who is Road & Track’s deputy online editor, may have been half-joking, but ten minutes later, Sorokanich got a call from one…
SparkCharge Raises Capital and Joins Techstars
SparkCharge has officially “launched” from the Blackstone LaunchPad at Syracuse University to acceleration stage with Techstars in Boston. The startup has achieved a significant milestone, growing from a college student’s idea to an award-winning company that has won several awards…
Chao Wei’s Alterable Brick Wall M.S. Capstone Project Wins Masonry Competition
A December 2017 graduate of the Syracuse Architecture M.S. in architecture program won the student category of the inaugural Joan B. Calambokidis Innovation in Masonry Competition with his alterable brick wall. Rotating bricks could usher a new wave of dynamic…
LIS Alumna Helps Veterans Preserve Their Stories
Annabelle Weiss dropped out of Hunter College in 1943 because she wanted to enlist in the armed services. With her parents’ consent, she joined the U.S. Marines and reported for training at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, in April 1944. There…
A Passion for Caring
Dr. Heather Hirsch ’04 recently shared her expertise in menopause management while leading grand rounds at SUNY Upstate Medical University, the teaching hospital she attended. Her life’s passion evolved on the Hill in the College of Arts and Sciences. There her dual…
Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia to Deliver Keynote Address at Newhouse School’s Toner Prize Celebration March 26
U.S. Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia, the vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, will be the keynote speaker at the award ceremony for the Toner Prize for Excellence in Political Reporting March 26 in Washington, D.C. The Toner Prize,…
Syracuse University Mourns Passing of Longtime Benefactor and Life Trustee Gerald B. Cramer ’52, H’10
Gerald B. Cramer ’52, H’10, devoted friend, advocate and generous benefactor of Syracuse University, died Feb. 13, 2018. Cramer, whose extraordinary philanthropy seeded opportunity for countless students and advanced faculty excellence, had served on the Board of Trustees since 1995…
Newhouse and WAER Provide Connective Thread for Father and Son Broadcasters on One Memorable Day
A moment truly steeped in Orange played out in front of a network TV audience recently, one which gave a well-known father and his soon-to-be well-known son a moment they’ll always treasure. It happened last weekend, when the Syracuse University…