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“Why ‘Home Run Derby’ is the godfather of the modern sports reality TV show”
Robert Thompson, a Trustee Professor of Television, Radio and Film, was quoted by The Athletic for the article “Why ‘Home Run Derby’ is the godfather of the modern sports reality TV show.”
Jennifer Grygiel writes “Why Twitter finally decided to label Trump’s tweets as misinformation”
Jennifer Grygiel, assistant professor of communications in the Newhouse School, authored a Fast Company op-ed, “Why Twitter finally decided to label Trump’s tweets as misinformation.” For the first time ever, Twitter took action against two tweets from President Donald Trump….
“U.S.-China Tensions Were Already High. Pandemic And Hong Kong May Have Made Things Worse”
Mary Lovely, Professor of Economics in the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, was interviewed by NPR for the article “U.S.-China Tensions Were Already High. Pandemic And Hong Kong Have Made Things Worse.” President Trump warned of possible sanctions…
Jaclyn Doyle Selected as First Recipient of School of Architecture Internship Award
Jaclyn Doyle, a rising fifth-year School of Architecture student from Hadley, Massachusetts, has been selected as the first recipient of the Connie Caldwell Summer Internship Award. Established in honor of Caldwell, the School of Architecture’s former director of career services,…
Entrepreneurship Professor Receives 10-Year Research Impact Award
SAGE Publishing recognized a 2009 paper co-authored by Johan Wiklund, Al Berg Chair and Professor of Entrepreneurship, with a 10-year Impact Award for receiving the most citations over the span of a decade. Wiklund’s paper, “Entrepreneurial Orientation and Business Performance:…
University Announces Alumni College
As a way to engage the Orange Community during the COVID-19 pandemic, University College (UC), in partnership with the Office of Alumni Engagement, has announced a new program for alumni, parents and friends of Syracuse University. Without having to leave…
Online Symposium to Address Community Food Security, Food Justice, Human Rights and Vulnerable Populations During COVID-19
The Falk College’s Department of Nutrition and Food Studies will host “COVID-19-Vulnerable Populations and Food Access: A Food Justice and Human Rights Foundation for Community Food Security” on Wednesday, June 10, from noon to 1:15 p.m. To register in advance…
Burton Blatt Institute, UK University Begin Study of Inclusive Public Spaces and Accessibility of Streets
The Burton Blatt Institute at Syracuse University has begun a collaboration with the University of Leeds in the United Kingdom focusing on groundbreaking research into the accessibility of public spaces and the social justice problems resulting from an exclusionary infrastructure….
Members of the University Community Honored with 2020 Chancellor’s Citation for Excellence
Several members of the Syracuse University community have been honored with Chancellor’s Citations for Excellence as part of the 2020 One University Awards. The Chancellor’s Citation for Excellence recognizes members of the University community who have made invaluable contributions to…
Dean Van Slyke Appointed by US Secretary of Defense to Defense Business Board Task Force
As the first academic scholar appointed to the Defense Business Board, Maxwell Dean David M. Van Slyke joins a select group of business executives appointed by the U.S. Secretary of Defense to help make the department stronger and more efficient….