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Urgent Action Required of Lawrinson Hall Residents
Dear Lawrinson Hall Residents: As we’ve shared in recent days, confirmed cases of COVID-19 are increasing on our campus, specifically among our students. Given our most recent public health and testing data, in recent days we have noted new COVID-19…
Urgent Action Required of Watson Hall Residents
Dear Watson Hall Residents: As we’ve shared in recent days, confirmed cases of COVID-19 are increasing on our campus, specifically among our students. Given our most recent public health and testing data, in recent days we have noted new COVID-19…
Urgent Action Required of Day Hall Residents
Dear Day Hall Residents: As we’ve shared in recent days, confirmed cases of COVID-19 are increasing on our campus, specifically among our students. Given our most recent public health and testing data, in recent days we have noted new COVID-19…
‘The Metaphysics of American Urban Violence’
Danielle Smith, professor of African American studies in the College of Arts and Sciences and director of the Renée Crown University Honors Program, wrote an op-ed for LA Progressive titled “The Metaphysics of American Urban Violence.” Smith, who studies issues…
New Restrictions in Place To Curb Spread of COVID-19
Dear Students, Faculty, Staff and Families: Syracuse University continues to experience a troubling increase in new COVID-19 cases, particularly within our student population. Unlike our past experiences this semester, contact tracing does not suggest that these new cases are linked…
Spring Semester Registration
Dear Undergraduate Students: You are now able to view the Spring 2021 schedule in MySlice and start to plan your course selections for the spring semester. As you make your choices you should consider the anticipated instructional format for each…
Open Enrollment Resources and Educational Opportunities Continue for Faculty and Staff Through Nov. 13
Open Enrollment, the annual period when University employees make their benefit choices for the coming year, continues through Friday, Nov. 13. This is the one time of year when eligible faculty and staff may elect or change their coverage for…
What Can Russia Expect From a Biden Presidency?
In January 2020, former Vice President Joseph Biden pledged to not only “impose real costs on Russia” for its transgressions at home and abroad but also “renew the U.S. commitment to arms control for a new era.” As such, it…
Building Community to Enhance the Muslim Student Experience
Growing up in Bosnia, Amir Duric saw the worst of what can happen when differences among cultures, ethnicities and religions lead to fear, prejudice, intolerance and even war. He also experienced the best of what can happen when people of…
College of Law to Host Virtual Veterans Day Commemoration
On Tuesday, Nov. 10, the Syracuse University College of Law and members of the greater Syracuse legal community will gather to honor those who have served in and out of uniform during the College of Law’s third annual Veterans Day…