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A Lifetime of Service: Remembering Dean Emeritus Bradley Strait ’58, G’60, G’65
For many years, College of Engineering and Computer Science Dean Emeritus Bradley Strait ’58, G’60, G’65 led the academic procession at Syracuse University’s annual Commencement as the mace bearer. The mace bearer is a role that recognizes the importance of…
COVID-19 Update: Campus Access | Required Testing | Masks
Dear Students, Faculty and Staff: As we begin our summer academic sessions at Syracuse University, I want to share several important public health updates and reminders related to campus operations for the next few months. Just as adherence to public…
Thirty-Four Doctoral Students Awarded Summer Dissertation Fellowships
The Graduate School has awarded Summer Dissertation Fellowships to 34 doctoral candidates to facilitate progress toward completion of their dissertation. Each $4,000 award provides funding to offset living or research-related expenses, allowing candidates to fully focus on completing their degrees….
Architecture Student Named Honors Thesis Prize Award Recipient
Vasundhra Aggarwal ’21 (B.Arch.), a fifth-year student in the School of Architecture, was announced as a Class of 2021 Honors Thesis Prize recipient during the virtual presentation of the Renée Crown University Honors Program Convocation on Friday, May 21. As…
Falk College, National Science Foundation REU Program Host Discussion Series for PTSD Awareness Month in June
To educate the local community about issues related to posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), the David B. Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics is offering a discussion series during the month of June, which is designated as National PTSD Awareness…
Thursday Morning Roundtable Evolves to Host 55th Season During Pandemic
In March 2020, the Thursday Morning Roundtable weekly public forum was nearing the end of its 54th year as a Syracuse University and Syracuse community institution. The charm of “TMR” had always been its personal touch: Community members would gather…
Maxwell Scholars Publish Innovative Edited Book on Public Policy and the Life Course
Janet M. Wilmoth and Andrew S. London, two professors from the Maxwell School’s Department of Sociology, the Aging Studies Institute and the Center for Aging and Policy Studies, co-edited a new book “Life-Course Implications of U.S. Public Policies” (Routledge, 2021)….
Syracuse Experts Available to Discuss Key Pride Month Issues
The month of June is Pride Month in America. Originally started as Gay Pride Day to honor the 1969 Stonewall Uprising that was the catalyst for the gay liberation movement in the U.S., the day has morphed into a month…
Schine Entrance at Waverly Closed for Summer Due to Construction
The Schine Student Center Waverly Avenue entrance will be closed during the summer break for installation of new sidewalk pavers and landscaping to better define the entry point along the street. All other Schine center entrances will remain open. For…
Veteran Career Services, Purepost Open Up Opportunities for Students
Transitioning from a military career back into civilian life presents many challenges for veterans. Syracuse University has created a robust infrastructure of career and academic services to help student veterans make a smooth transition from military service to academic life—and…