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Gretchen Ritter Named Syracuse University’s Next Vice Chancellor, Provost and Chief Academic Officer
The global search for Syracuse University’s next vice chancellor, provost and chief academic officer has culminated with the selection of Gretchen Ritter, a highly respected and dynamic academic administrator who has held leadership roles at some of the country’s most…
Congress Jump-Starts Antitrust Reform Debate
Five bills introduced today could weaken the power and dominance of big tech companies like Amazon, Google and Facebook. Shubha Ghosh is the Crandall Melvin Professor of Law at Syracuse University and director of the Syracuse Intellectual Property Law Institute…
Alexander Metcalf Named 2021-22 Astronaut Scholar
Alexander Metcalf, a senior aerospace engineering major in the College of Engineering and Computer Science and a member of the Renée Crown University Honors Program, has been named 2021-22 Astronaut Scholar by the Astronaut Scholarship Foundation (ASF). Founded by the…
College of Professional Studies Creates New Department of Executive Education; Hires Executive Director
University College has been renamed the College of Professional Studies. For over 100 years, the college’s mission has been to provide educational opportunities to those whose only access to Syracuse University is through part-time study. The new name reflects the…
Public Health Team Receives Chancellor’s Citation for Work During COVID-19 Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic brought a number of unique challenges to colleges and universities around the world, particularly how to keep members of campus communities safe and healthy while upholding constantly shifting public health guidelines. When the pandemic reached Central New…
iSchool Professor Receives Highest Honor in Field of Information Science and Technology
Steve Sawyer, professor at the School of Information Studies (iSchool) and core faculty member in the Renée Crown Honors Program, has been recognized with the 2021 Award of Merit by the Association for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T), the highest…
June 30 Deadline Set for Fiscal 2021 Year End Business
Cash Operations has set a deadline of 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 30, to receive deposits at the Bowne Cash Operations office for credit in fiscal year 2021. Deposits should be made as early in the day as possible on…
German Language Class Connects U.S. Citizens With Their Jewish Family History
If you were to take a walk around the streets of Bochum, a city once noted for its coal mining in western Germany, you would come across small bronze plaques slightly protruding from the sidewalk in front of many houses….
NIH Grant Funds Innovative Study on Childhood Stuttering
What do Hollywood movie production companies and researchers at the Syracuse University Stuttering Research Lab have in common? Each uses sophisticated state-of-the-art equipment like infrared motion tracking cameras and body sensors—but for very different purposes. While the movie production companies…
Office of Alumni Engagement to Host Virtual Tour of Schine on Thursday
The Office of Alumni Engagement will host a special virtual tour of the Hildegarde and J. Myer Schine Student Center on Thursday, June 10, at noon EDT. The tour will offer an insider’s view of the newly renovated Schine Student…