Research Training Program for Veterans Now Accepting Applications
To improve access to undergraduate research experiences in the area of trauma for groups typically underrepresented in this research, including veterans, a collaborative venture between Syracuse University’s Falk College, SUNY Oswego and SUNY Upstate Medical University is now recruiting students…
University Announces Finalists to Design National Veterans Resource Complex
The selection committee has chosen three finalists to advance to the final round of the competition.
Syracuse University Launches Design Competition for National Veterans Resource Complex, Announces Members of Selection Committee
Syracuse University’s National Veterans Resource Complex Included in $500 Million Upstate Revitalization Initiative Award
Student Veterans Hold Food Drive at Syracuse University, Le Moyne College
The Student Veterans Organization (SVO) of Syracuse University and the Student Veterans Association (SVA) of Le Moyne College are partnering with Clear Path for Veterans in an effort to provide meals to veterans in the community by organizing a food…
Mike Haynie, Vice Chancellor and Founder of IVMF, Onondaga County Veteran of the Year
At Wednesday’s annual Onondaga County Veteran’s Day Ceremony, Onondaga County officials and the Onondaga County Veterans Council presented the 2015 Distinguished Veteran of the Year Award to J. Michael Haynie, Syracuse University Vice Chancellor of Veteran and Military Affairs and…
University Hosts Veterans Day Reading Program Nov. 11
Syracuse University will honor Veterans Day with an evening of readings by members of the Syracuse Veterans’ Writing Group (SVWG). The event, which addresses the enduring effects of war, including moral injury, features original poetry and nonfiction by seven local…
Scholar Spotlight: Jordan Robinson G’17
Jordan Robinson is a U.S. Marine Corps veteran who served from 2008-2014 at American embassies in Mozambique, Austria and Cuba. She currently serves as president of the Student Veterans Organization at the University. Robinson is pursuing a master’s degree in…
University Teams Up with Walmart to ‘Greenlight a Vet’
In anticipation of Veterans Day, the Institute for Veterans and Military Families (IVMF) has announced it is among a handful of organizations nationwide teaming up with Walmart for its new “Greenlight a Vet” campaign. An 18-month national effort, the “Greenlight…