Maxwell, Newhouse schools to co-host international journalists as part of U.S. Department of State program for third consecutive year
Maxwell, Newhouse schools to co-host international journalists as part of U.S. Department of State program for third consecutive year October 01, 2008Jaime Winne Alvarezjlwinne@syr.edu Syracuse University’s Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs and S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications…
SU’s Newhouse School to host Saatchi & Saatchi CEO Kevin Roberts Oct. 16
SU’s Newhouse School to host Saatchi & Saatchi CEO Kevin Roberts Oct. 16October 01, 2008Wendy S. Loughlinwsloughl@syr.edu Kevin Roberts, top executive at pre-eminent international advertising agency Saatchi & Saatchi, will visit Syracuse University on Thursday, Oct. 16, as a guest…
Major new exhibition at the Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington curated by Maxwell School professor Chris Kyle
Major new exhibition at the Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington curated by Maxwell School professor Chris KyleOctober 01, 2008Jill Leonhardtjlleonha@maxwell.syr.edu “Breaking News: Renaissance Journalism and the Birth of the Newspaper” is a new exhibition at the Folger Shakespeare Library in…
Memorial honors Iraq war casualties
Memorial honors Iraq war casualtiesSeptember 30, 2008SU News ServicesSUnews@syr.edu “Numbers Without Number,” a public artwork memorializing casualties from the war in Iraq, is on display until Oct. 4, on the lawn between the Hildegarde and J. Myer Schine Student Center…
Black History in Syracuse workshops to be held Oct. 7 and Nov. 11
Black History in Syracuse workshops to be held Oct. 7 and Nov. 11September 30, 2008SU News ServicesSUnews@syr.edu Syracuse University’s South Side Initiative will present two workshops by School of Information Studies (iSchool) professor of practice Kenneth Lavender this fall on…
JPMorgan Chase & Co. 2008 Fall Speaker Series at Syracuse University continues Oct. 1 with Larry O’Donnell
JPMorgan Chase & Co. 2008 Fall Speaker Series at Syracuse University continues Oct. 1 with Larry O’DonnellSeptember 29, 2008Kelly Homan Rodoskikahoman@syr.edu The JPMorgan Chase 2008 Fall Speaker Series will continue on Wednesday, Oct. 1, with Larry O’Donnell, vice president of…
Campus Commuter Challenge begins Wednesday; prizes announced
Campus Commuter Challenge begins Wednesday; prizes announcedSeptember 29, 2008Rachel Mayenspire@syr.edu In preparation for the Campus Commuter Challenge, beginning Wednesday, Oct. 1, and running through the month of October, a “Tools and Tips” section has been added to the Campus Commuter…
Everson Museum presents ‘Sitting Still’ video project, led by VPA faculty member Anne Beffel, beginning Oct. 4
Everson Museum presents ‘Sitting Still’ video project, led by VPA faculty member Anne Beffel, beginning Oct. 4September 29, 2008Erica Blustesblust@syr.edu The Everson Museum of Art will present “Sitting Still,” a contemplative video project focused on nonviolence led by Anne Beffel,…
iSchool awards 16 Graduate Leadership Scholarships to incoming Syracuse University students
iSchool awards 16 Graduate Leadership Scholarships to incoming Syracuse University studentsSeptember 29, 2008Margaret Costello Spillettmcostell@syr.edu The School of Information Studies (iSchool) at Syracuse University has announced the recipients of the 2008 Graduate Leadership Scholarships. This scholarship program was launched this…
Boys Like Girls to perform at Syracuse University Oct. 1
Boys Like Girls to perform at Syracuse University Oct. 1September 29, 2008Helen Koutsourades On Wednesday, Oct. 1, The Verizon Wireless Campus Tour rolls into Syracuse, bringing with it headliner Boys Like Girls, emo-pop act Cute Is What We Aim For…