Newhouse School to host New Yorker editor David Remnick Oct. 14
Newhouse School to host New Yorker editor David Remnick Oct. 14October 03, 2008Wendy S. Loughlinwsloughl@syr.edu David Remnick, editor-in-chief of The New Yorker and Pulitzer Prize-winning author, will visit campus on Tuesday, Oct. 14, as a guest of the Newhouse School….
SU’s School of Education to host U.S. Holocaust Museum Regional Summit
SU’s School of Education to host U.S. Holocaust Museum Regional Summit October 02, 2008Patrick Farrellpmfarrel@syr.edu Syracuse University’s School of Education and the Spector/Warren Fellowship for Future Teachers, in cooperation with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, will host this year’s…
Children’s author Nikki Grimes to present the season’s first Landscape of Urban Education Lecture
Children’s author Nikki Grimes to present the season’s first Landscape of Urban Education LectureOctober 02, 2008Patrick Farrellpmfarrel@syr.edu Nikki Grimes, celebrated children’s author, poet and teacher, will present the first lecture of the School of Education’s Landscape of Urban Education Lecture…
Bashe named Syracuse University national annual giving chair
Bashe named Syracuse University national annual giving chairOctober 02, 2008Christine Yackelcyackel@syr.edu Larry Bashe ’66, G’68 of Plainfield, N.J., has been named Syracuse University’s national annual giving chair for 2008-09. He assumes this key volunteer post from Wally Bobkiewicz G’89, president…
Syracuse University launches series of sustainability-oriented work-life and commuting options for staff, faculty and students
Syracuse University launches series of sustainability-oriented work-life and commuting options for staff, faculty and studentsOctober 02, 2008Sara Millersemortim@syr.edu Syracuse University is continuing its commitment to environmental sustainable leadership with several work-life and transportation initiatives that increase the convenience for faculty,…
‘Store for a Day’ to offer fresh produce on Syracuse’s South Side on Oct. 4
‘Store for a Day’ to offer fresh produce on Syracuse’s South Side on Oct. 4October 02, 2008Kelly Homan Rodoskikahoman@syr.edu The Southside Community Coalition, GroundWorks Capital Coalition and the Real Food Co-op will present “Store for a Day” on Saturday, Oct….
Syracuse Stage participates in nationwide ‘Free Night of Theatre’ Oct. 16; patrons can see ‘Tales from the Salt City’
Syracuse Stage participates in nationwide ‘Free Night of Theatre’ Oct. 16; patrons can see ‘Tales from the Salt City’October 02, 2008Patrick Finlonstagepr@syr.edu On Thursday, Oct. 16, Syracuse Stage will join 600 theaters nationwide for Theatre Communications Group’s “Free Night of…
SU to conduct Family Care Assessment Oct. 1-15
SU to conduct Family Care Assessment Oct. 1-15October 02, 2008SU News ServicesSUnews@syr.edu Syracuse University will conduct a family care assessment October 1 – 15, 2008. The Family Care Advisory Committee, an extension of the WorkLife and Organizational Development team in…
Lecture by New Orleans architect Byron Mouton to focus on urban renovation, affordable housing
Lecture by New Orleans architect Byron Mouton to focus on urban renovation, affordable housingOctober 01, 2008Elaine Wackerowedwacker@syr.edu Byron Mouton, clinical professor at Tulane University School of Architecture, co-director of Tulane’s URBANbuild program and principal of BILD Design Studio, New Orleans,…
Strategic planning exec for Johnson & Johnson to speak at Whitman Oct. 7
Strategic planning exec for Johnson & Johnson to speak at Whitman Oct. 7October 01, 2008Amy Schmitzaemehrin@syr.edu The Whitman School of Management at Syracuse University will host a guest lecture by John M. Phillips ’97 M.B.A., director of strategic planning for…