Syracuse University physicists first to observe rare particles produced at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN
Shortly after experiments on the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at the CERN laboratory near Geneva, Switzerland, began yielding scientific data last fall, a group of scientists led by a Syracuse University physicist became the first to observe the decays of…
BBI Chair Peter Blanck noted as authority in new ADA rules
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) extensively cited the research of University Professor Peter Blanck, chairman of the Burton Blatt Institute (BBI) at Syracuse University, in its final rules and regulations for the employment provisions of the Americans with Disabilities…
Acclaimed food blogger Marla Meridith visits campus March 30
Syracuse University’s Alumni Speaker Series will showcase another fascinating career story on Wednesday, March 30, when Marla Meridith visits campus. A 1992 graduate of SU, Meridith worked as a graphic designer for companies such as Walt Disney and Warner Bros….
Carnegie Religion and Media Program to sponsor public interviews with authors Lisa Miller, Jimmy Creech
The Carnegie Religion and Media Program at Syracuse University will sponsor public interviews with Lisa Miller, religion writer at Newsweek, and Jimmy Creech, author of a new memoir about his fight for gay and lesbian rights in the United Methodist…
LGBT advocate, author Jimmy Creech will discuss his journey April 7-8
Jimmy Creech, a civil rights activist, author and former United Methodist pastor who was defrocked for performing a same-sex wedding, will visit Syracuse April 7-8 for a series of events titled “Free to Love Without Fear: Defying the Church’s Persecution…
Division of Student Affairs joins in White Ribbon Campaign, March 25-April 1
The Vera House White Ribbon Campaign kicked off March 25 with the goal of distributing 40,000 white ribbons to people in Onondaga County to raise awareness about domestic and sexual violence. The 17th annual campaign will run until April 3….
Syracuse Poster Project to unveil 10th annual poster series
Each year, the project has produced 16 unique posters.
Fifth annual Fashion Communications Milestone fashion show to be held April 1
Students from the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communcations and College of Visual and Performing Arts (VPA) will present the fashion show “Fashion Follows Form: Fashion and Diversity” on Friday, April 1, at 7 p.m. in the Newhouse 1 lobby….
Science pioneer J. Craig Venter to deliver 2011 Commencement address, six honorary degrees to be conferred
J. Craig Venter, a world-renowned scientist regarded as one of the most influential people in the world for his efforts to decode the human genome, will deliver the Commencement address to the 2011 graduates of Syracuse University, Syracuse University College…
Vivian to deliver keynote address on 9/11 memorial at Princeton graduate student conference
Bradford J. Vivian, an associate professor of communication and rhetorical studies in the College of Visual and Performing Arts’ Department of Communication and Rhetorical Studies, will deliver the keynote address at “Drawing a Blank. Past and Present,” a graduate student conference at Princeton University’s Department of Art and Archaeology, on Saturday, April 9.