In Uncertain Economy, is Legal Cannabis a Safe Investment?
April 10, 2020 – Syracuse University Professor John Torrens, who conducts research on the value of legal cannabis investment, is available for interview on the topic. Please contact kkobland@syr.edu to arrange. “There is still quite a bit of volatility in…
Houston, We Have an Anniversary
For Immediate Release: April 10, 2020 Tomorrow is the 50th anniversary of the launch of the historic Apollo 13 space mission that was made famous for not landing on the moon and was immortalized in a 1995 movie starring Tom…
Trouble Sleeping? Here Are Useful Tipzzzz
For Immediate Release: April 9, 2020 The only thing worse than waking up to more bad news is not falling asleep at all. For those who are having difficulty sleeping while under lockdown for the COVID-19 pandemic, insomnia expert Dr….
Trump vs Biden: A Retrospective Election Not a Prospective Election
For Immediate Release April 8, 2020 Syracuse, NY – Syracuse University political science professor Grant Reeher is available to discuss the news that US Senator Bernie Sanders is dropping his bid for the 2020 Democratic nomination. “I don’t think the public…
“How an untested company uses your smart phone to influence Syracuse’s fight vs. coronavirus.”
Lee McKnight, an associate professor in the iSchool, was interviewed by syracuse.com for the article “How an untested company uses your smart phone to influence Syracuse’s fight vs. coronavirus.” A Norwegian data-mining company,Unacast Inc., used its cellphone data to grade…
Grisham Out-a Public Relations Perspective
April 7, 2020 If you are writing about Stephanie Grisham stepping down as White House press secretary, please consider the comments below from Tony D’Angelo. D’Angelo is a public relations professor at Syracuse University’s Newhouse School and former director of…
Equal Opportunity for All? Not for Students with Disabilities During COVID-19 Pandemic
For Immediate Release: April 7, 2020 The $2 trillion coronavirus stabilization bill contains a provision that gives Education Secretary Betsy DeVos the power to waive parts of the federal special education rules while school districts are struggling to teach their…
How Data From Facebook and Google Could Help Research COVID-19
Jennifer Grygiel, Assistant Professor of Communications in the Newhouse School, was quoted by CBS for the story, “Who’s using Google and Facebook data in coronavirus fight? The article talks about the use of user location data from Google and Facebook…
CDC Should Broaden Its Guidelines About Masks
April 1, 2020- According to CDC and World Health Organization guidelines, only the sick and their caretakers should wear face masks. But the CDC is considering broadening its guidelines and should do so immediately, says public health expert Dr. David…
How Families Can Reduce Stress While Social Distancing
For Immediate Release: March 30, 2020 Social distancing measures can have a negative impact on mental health, experts say, and Americans are now facing at least one more month of isolation. As we get more anxious about our health and…