Scientists Rethink Co-Evolution of Marine Life, Oxygenated Oceans
Researchers in the Department of Earth Sciences have confirmed that rising oceanic and atmospheric oxygen levels co-evolved with marine life hundreds of millions of years ago. Wanyi Lu, a Ph.D. candidate studying under Associate Professor Zunli Lu (no relation) in…
Professors Working to Help Save Darwin’s Finches
Falk College professors Margaret Voss and Rick Welsh are leading a research team to see how to control a deadly parasite devastating native bird populations in the Galápagos Islands. It’s a race against time. The story was originally published in…
Stripling Elected to Board of Freedom to Read Foundation
School of Information Studies (iSchool) Associate Professor of Practice and Senior Associate Dean Barbara Stripling has been elected to the Board of Trustees of the Freedom to Read Foundation (FTRF). She will begin her term in June after the organization’s…
Scientists to Host Live Lava Flow Demonstration
What: Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano has been erupting and displaying explosive activity for more than two weeks. In one of the most recent eruptions, 1,100°C (2000°F) lava was seen gushing from multiple fissures, sending sulfur dioxide, methane gas and flames into the…
ECS Professor Secures Yahoo Donation of Servers for Research Processing
The search to answer research questions through vast amounts of data requires massive amounts of computer server space. Syracuse University has a healthy number of data servers ready to assist researchers, but a recent donation by Yahoo is adding more…
Additional Hazards That Could Come with Hot Lava Flow, Spatter in Hawaii
An eruption from Hawaii’s Kilauea Volcano has prompted the evacuation of more than 1,000 residents and the declaration of a state of emergency in affected areas. There are reports of lava rolling into several areas including roadways, forestry areas and…
Q&A with Sareta Gladson: 2018 SMART Scholar
Sareta Gladson, a freshman aerospace engineering major in the College of Engineering and Computer Science from San Pedro, California, and a member of the Renée Crown University Honors Program, was recently named a recipient of a Science, Mathematics and Research…
Aerospace Engineering Seniors Test their Plane Designs in Carrier Dome
For aerospace engineering seniors in the College of Engineering and Computer Science, everything builds up to flight day. For their capstone projects, student teams spent hundreds of hours designing, redesigning and constructing a rocket and an airplane capable of carrying the rocket as many laps as possible inside the Carrier Dome.
To Tackle Heart of Great Barrier Reef Troubles – Target Climate Change
Australia has pledged more than $350 million to help protect and preserve the Great Barrier Reef – which is increasingly experiencing “shocking” amounts of coral bleaching. The new funding will be the single largest investment for reef conservation and management…
Syracuse University Team Wins 2018 National Cyber Analyst Challenge
A team of Syracuse University students was awarded first place and $20,000 in the National Cyber Analyst Challenge (NCAC) at Temple University in Philadelphia in April. The team was comprised of cybersecurity graduate students Priyank Thavai and Sirisha Prakash from the College of…